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City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy Effective February 29,2016 <br />15-19 8.5 hours bi-weekly <br />20 or more 9 hours bi-weekly <br />Benefit year for Personal Time Off is March 1St through February 28th. A maximum of 240 <br />hours of Personal Time Off may be carried over from benefit year to benefit year. Carry- <br />over beyond 240 hours of Personal Time Off will only be made under special <br />circumstances with approval from the City Administrator. <br />All employees must receive permission from the department supervisor or City <br />Administrator at least ten (10) working days prior to taking Personal Time Off when <br />Personal Time Off is to extend for a period of more than three (3) consecutive days. If <br />three (3) consecutive days of unscheduled Personal Time Off are used, the supervisor shall <br />make an inquiry into the employee's absence, and the employee shall cooperate in <br />authorizing the supervisor to obtain any necessary medical, hospital or other records that <br />validate the unscheduled absence. If the Personal Time Off is to be for eight (8) hours or <br />less, permission will be granted without notice if their supervisor feels that City service will <br />not be adversely affected. Priority will be given to Personal Time Off scheduling based on <br />the earliest date of request. Personal Time Off scheduling for departmental employees is <br />the responsibility of the department managers. No employee will be permitted to use <br />Personal Time off for the purpose of receiving double pay. <br />Any employee leaving the service of the City in good standing will be compensated 100% <br />for Personal Time Off accrued, not to exceed 240 hours, to the day of separation provided <br />said employee has served at least twelve (12) consecutive months prior to separation and <br />has given the City at least two weeks notice prior to the effective date of such separation. <br />Such pay for accumulated Personal Time Off will be at the same rate as the hourly rate of <br />the employee's base salary. Personal Time Off may not be used to extend an employee's <br />actual termination date. This benefit shall be paid into the employee's Post-Retirement <br />Health Care Savings Plan. <br />When a paid holiday falls on a working day during an employee's Personal Time Off, the <br />day of the holiday will not be counted as a day of Personal Time Off. <br />One (1) day of Personal Time Off shall equal eight (8) hours for full time employees. <br />In the case of disability from a work related disease or injury for which Worker's <br />Compensation benefits are available, an employee may elect to use Personal Time Off <br />benefits rather than Worker's Compensation benefits by notifying the Director of <br />Administrative Services of their election. Under no circumstances can an employee receive <br />both Personal Time Off and Worker's Compensation benefits for the same period of <br />disability, except if the employee elects to receive Worker's Compensation benefits he/she <br />may also use Personal Time Off to the extent necessary to increase their income to their <br />43