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5 <br />Improvements planned for I-35W North <br />According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, paper, plastics, and organics are <br />the top three components of our garbage in Minnesota. Reducing and recycling means <br />less waste in landfills and more resources to make new products. To learn more, visit <br /> or call 651-633-3297. Calls answered 24 hours a day, seven days <br />a week. <br />The Minnesota Department of Trans- <br />portation (MnDOT) is currently <br />studying I-35W for the addition of <br />MnPASS Express Lanes between High- <br />way 36 and Lexington Avenue, in order to <br />address capacity and mobility needs in the <br />corridor. MnDOT is working to develop an <br />overall design for I-35W that: <br />• Improves safety on the highway <br />• Increases the number of people that move <br />along the highway during peak hours <br />• Provides reliable travel times for com- <br />muters during peak drive times <br />• Optimizes and reuses existing roads <br />and bridges (without needing to acquire <br />homes and properties) <br />With 53,000 to 127,000 vehicles (and <br />increasing) using I-35W between Ros- <br />eville and Blaine each day, travel time is <br />becoming more unreliable for peak period <br />travelers. There is enough room in the <br />middle of the existing road to add one lane <br />in each direction, and MnDOT is analyzing <br />the addition of MnPASS Express Lanes to <br />provide a long-term benefit to the corridor. <br />What are MnPASS Express Lanes? <br />MnPASS Express Lanes provide a conges- <br />tion-free travel option during peak drive <br />times, improve efficiency by moving more <br />people through a corridor, provide better <br />travel time reliability, and enhance transit <br />usage, service, and reliability. MnPASS <br />Express Lanes are always free for transit <br />users, carpoolers (HOV 2+) and motorcy- <br />cles. During peak drive times, (weekdays <br />6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.), mo- <br />torists driving alone can choose to use the <br />MnPASS lanes for a fee. Outside of peak <br />drive times, the MnPASS lanes are free for <br />everyone to use. Fees vary between $0.25 <br />and $8, increasing when there is more <br />congestion in the MnPASS lane. The fees <br />keep traffic in the MnPASS lane moving at <br />50 to 55 mph. <br />What’s next? <br />The preliminary engineering and environ- <br />mental review will be completed by mid- <br />to-late 2016. This work includes analyzing <br />the need for spot improvements along the <br />corridor and the need for noise walls along <br />the freeway. Funding for a construction <br />project is not yet identified. If funding <br />becomes available, construction could start <br />as early as 2018. <br />Get involved <br />The best way to stay updated is to <br />visit <br />i35wroseville/, where you can <br />learn more and sign up for project <br />email updates. Keep an eye out <br />for public meeting announce- <br />ments in 2016, when MnDOT will <br />be presenting information about <br />proposed noise walls and the Envi- <br />ronmental Assessment. Questions about the <br />project or requests for additional informa- <br />tion can be directed to Jerome Adams, at <br />651-234-7611 or Jerome.adams@state. <br /> <br />Plastic shopping bags are one of the hardest materials for recycling facilities to <br />handle as they tangle in machinery, clogging machines and stopping the recycling <br />process for hours at a time. Fortunately, plastic bags can easily be recycled at <br />drop-off locations. Plastic bags are accepted at various retailers including Lund’s/Byer- <br />ly’s, Cub Foods and Target as long as they are clean and dry. Find additional retailers <br />through the Recycling Association of Minnesota’s It’s in the Bag program. Plastic bags <br />in residential recycling bins or carts are no longer permitted. <br />You can reuse plastic bags as garbage bags or to pick up pet waste. To limit the amount <br />of plastic bags you end up with, use reusable shopping bags and avoid products with <br />excessive plastic wrapping. <br />About those plastic shopping bags <br />from Rethink Recycling <br />Fix-It Clinics scheduled <br />Get household items fixed for free and learn valuable repair skills at an upcoming Fix-It <br />Clinic! <br />• Saturday, February 27, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Shoreview Library, 4570 Vic- <br />toria Street North, Shoreview <br />• Saturday, March 26, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Merriam Park Library, 1831 Mar- <br />shall Avenue St. Paul <br />Reduce and recycle: A resolution you can keep <br />Free small business workshops begin March 17 <br />The City of Arden Hills is collaborating with the cities of Vadnais Heights and Shorev- <br />iew to hold a series of small business workshops. The first one will be held on Thurs- <br />day, March 17, 2016, at the Vadnais Heights Fairfield Inn. The topic is Content Market- <br />ing – how it has put the consumer in control of the buying process and what that means <br />for your marketing. The workshop will show how to plan, create, and promote content <br />that delivers a return. <br /> <br />Networking begins at 7:30 a.m., and the workshop and interactive panel session are <br />scheduled from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m.. This event is free to Arden Hills businesses. <br />by Bobbi Dahlke, Minnesota Department of Transportation