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� G. The Froject, which is described and illustrated on the Arden Village <br />Redevelopment Planned Documents, is hereinafter referred to as the "Arden <br />Village Project". <br />3.0 ,�`,y Plannin� Comm�,�ian Review and Recnmmens�ativns. On the 9� day t�f <br />December, 2009, at a public hearing, the Arden Hills Pianning Com�zission <br />considered the Arden Village Applicativn, the reports and cQmments c�f the City staff <br />and consu�tants, repc�rts and cvrnments of Arden Village, and other public <br />cc�mments; and, subject to conditians, recommended approval of: the Aarden Village <br />AppIicatic�n. <br />4A C� Counc i Re 'vaew• Qn the 8th day of March, 2010, the City �ouncil reviewed the <br />Arden Village ApplicaCion, the reports and recommendatians Qf the City staff and <br />consultants; the reports and requests of Arden Vil�age; and the recommendations af <br />the City Planning Commission; and, subject to the conditions contained Y�erein, <br />approved the Arden Village Application, <br />S.Q Terms and Conditions. In cansideration of the City's develapment approvals; in <br />compliance with the City's development regulations; and in consideration of the <br />undertakings expressed herein, the parties agree: <br />A. P�nned Unit Dev�lflnment. <br />� 1. The Arden Village Projeci shall be completed in accardanee with the <br />Arden Viliage Redevelopment Plan Dacuments as arnended by the <br />conditions of approval. Any significar�t change to the Arden Viltage <br />Redevelopment Plan Dc�cuments, as determined by the City Planner, <br />shall require review by the City Planning Cornmission; and review <br />and approval by the City Council. <br />2. Arden Village shalI obtain building permits on ar befare June 3Q, <br />2011, or Che PUD Plan approvaI shall expire uniess extended by the <br />City Councii prior to the appraval's expiraticsn date. Extension <br />requests shall be submitted in writing to the City staff at least 45 days <br />prior to the expiratian date. <br />B. Final P]at. <br />1. Arden Village shall �ile the Final Plat with Ramsey County c�n or <br />before March 8, 2U11, or, prior ta the issuance of any building permits <br />for the Arden Vfllage Project, �whichever evcnt occurs first <br />C. Conditi�naI LTse PermitAmen�men�. <br />1. The existing cammunicatian tower shali b� brought into compliance <br />wifih Conditional Use Permit 72-024, ar an amended CUP, prior to the <br />� <br />�c3 <br />