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RAMSEY.COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br /> MINUTES <br /> March 14, 2006 <br /> RAMSEY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT <br /> 2015 NORTH VAN DYKE STREET <br /> MAPLEWOOD, MN 55109 . <br /> Main Floor Conference Room . <br /> The regular meeting of the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice <br /> Chair Pederson at 6:15 p.m., at the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department, 2015 North Van <br /> Dyke Street, Maplewood, Minnesota. <br /> Members Present: Deb Falkowski, Terry Huntrods, Jonathon Kusa, Gale Pederson <br /> Members Absent: Jonathon Kusa, Phil Jenni, Richard Straumann, Elyssa Weber <br /> Staff Present: Greg Mack and Larry Holmberg <br /> APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br /> Vice Chair Pederson asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Falkowski moved, seconded by Mr. <br /> Huntrods, that the agenda be approved. Motion carried. <br /> �PPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> ice Chair Pederson asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the February 14, 2006 meeting. Ms. <br /> Falkowski moved, seconded by Mr. Huntrods, that the minutes of the February 14, 2006 meeting be <br /> approved as mailed. Motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING ON REDEVELOPMENT OF TURTLE LAKE COUNTY PARK <br /> A public hearing was held at 6:30 PM regarding the redevelopment of Turtle Lake County Park. Two citizens <br /> were present to comment on the redevelopment plan. The redevelopment includes replacing the existing <br /> beach building, repairing of the boat ramp and adding docks, parking lot repair, defining the sand beach <br /> area with a concrete edge, removing the two existing picnic shelters and building one larger shelter, 35 x 35 <br /> square feet with a 50-person capacity. The shelter will include electricity and a drinking fountain. Financing <br /> for the improvements will come from DNR and capital improvement funds. If funding is approved, the park <br /> design will be completed in 2007 with construction in 2008. Gloria de Meireles, a resident adjacent to the <br /> park, had the following comments. She would like to see more signage for dog walkers in the park <br /> regarding leash laws and clean up responsibilities and some type of visual buffer along the path. She also <br /> requested that trash be removed in a timely manner and that trash containers not be placed too close to the <br /> residences along the park. Another adjacent resident, Paul Kullman, had the following comments. He <br /> requested that evergreen trees be planted between his backyard and the play structure currently in the park <br /> and he also requested limited lighting on the beach building. The Commission discussed trail options; <br /> however, given the relatively small size of the park, a single path as illustrated on the plan was accepted. <br /> STATE OF THE PARKS REPORT <br /> The last State of the Parks Report was done for the period July 2001 through December 2002. Therefore, <br /> ,gge Parks Commission discussed presenting a current State of the Parks report to the Board of <br /> mmissioners. A brochure format was suggested using more photos and less text. The brochure would <br /> ighlight what has been done in the park system since the last report, what work is planned for the future, <br /> and would also include information on the ice arenas, golf courses and a possible joint venture for a winter <br />