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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—MARCH 21, 2016 11 <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the licensed haulers could provide their current rates. <br /> Mayor Grant said this information is on the City's website. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher stated that because some residents are willing to <br /> negotiate their rate, there is no "typical"residence to base rate estimates on. <br /> Interim City Administrator/Director of Finance and Administrative Services Iverson agreed <br /> and stated that garbage haulers are reluctant to provide rates to the City to post on its website as <br /> they want residents to call to negotiate a rate. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik stated the next step would be to notify the City's licensees that the <br /> Council is interested in proceeding with organized collection in the TCAAP redevelopment area. <br /> Community Development Director Hutmacher requested the Council's assistance in <br /> prioritizing their work load as in addition to pursuing organized collection for the TCAAP <br /> redevelopment area, they would be implementing the approved 2016 Planning Commission Work <br /> Plan as well as the Business Retention and Expansion Program. <br /> Mayor Grant requested City staff formulate a plan and report back to the Council in a couple of <br /> weeks. <br /> F. Administrative Approvals <br /> City Attorney Jamnik indicated that many cities encounter changes that are requested in the field <br /> that arise during the course of construction. He said that Arden Hills' ordinance provision states <br /> that any modification to an approved application and plan must be resubmitted and treated as a <br /> new application, but if deemed minor by zoning staff,the public hearing can be waived. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik also stated that some cities have considered options wherein if the <br /> requested change brings the project more in conformance with City Code, City staff would be <br /> authorized to provide approval. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik stated that the City Code states that if the change is minor or insubstantial, <br /> the City Council would review and if it feels the change is significant, the Council would decide if <br /> it must be re-reviewed by the Planning Commission. <br /> Councilmember Holden noted the Council has not had many changes that have come back for <br /> review. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik stated he believed there were only two changes and that if the Council <br /> desired providing greater delegation and latitude to City staff, he would draft language pertaining <br /> to this. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund stated he would be interested in seeing draft language that would <br /> provide greater flexibility to staff. <br />