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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />S SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 <br />Discussion ensued regarding tracking actual usage of the ice rink. Mr. Winkel responded that <br />the maintenance crews would be able to determine use from ice shavings during their daily <br />sweeping of the rink; and Ms. Holmes responded that she would be willing to survey the <br />neighborhood as well. <br />Staff recommends that, based on last season's final rink numbers, Cummings Park pleasure rink <br />be eliminated, due to it being hard to maintain, and safety issues regarding the dangerous <br />location down slope from the hockey rink. <br />MOTION: Crassweller moved and Messerly seconded a motion to recommend to the City <br />Council that the pleasure rink at Cummings Park be eliminated, due to safety <br />concerns. The motion carried unanimously. <br />Committee member Speggen expressed concern that the rinks be monitored to prevent hockey <br />players from overriding pleasure skaters during public skating times and due to the elimination <br />of the pleasure rinks. <br />Staff also sought direction on the issue of ice rink rental during public skating time. <br />Staff provided current program policy during public open skating was that one (1) hour <br />maximum could be reserved during public skating at no charge. Staff provided additional <br />comments regarding concerns of residents and rink attendants; additional practice time for <br />hockey teams and research with other area cities. Staff reported on their research with the cities <br />of Roseville, Shoreview and Vadnais Heights regarding rentals during public use times. Staff <br />reported that none of those three cities allow rentals during public use times. City staff <br />recommends that, with the exception of two (2) hours per week for local hockey association use, <br />no rentals be allowed during public use time. <br />MOTION: Krenn moved and Zilmer seconded a motion to recommend to the City Council <br />that staff be directed to no rentals be allowed during public use time, with the <br />exception of two (2) hours per week for local hockey association use, and that <br />adequate signage be provided stating City policy at the appropriate rinks. The <br />motion carried unanimously. <br />Staff also sought direction on the rental fee of $25.00 per hour for ice rinks. Last season's policy <br />was that all rentals (after hours) required a rink attendant on duty at a rental fee of $25.00 per <br />hour to cover staffing and lighting. Staff recommended that this policy remain status quo. <br />MOTION: Crassweller moved recommendation to the City Council that the ice rink rental <br />fee be increased to $35.00/hour. After further discussion, Mr. Crassweller <br />withdrew the motion. <br />