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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE <br />SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 0 <br />Staff noted that the Bethel College Athletic Department has a separate rental fee, and their <br />program is handled differently, with Bethel providing their own rink attendant. It was staff s <br />recommendation, and committee consensus, that this usage remain status quo. <br />Staff and committee members discussed continuing issues with residents and the use by Bethel <br />of off rink (broomball) during public times. Ms. Olson stated that she would be addressing these <br />issues at Manager's meetings for Bethel in the near future. She indicated that they would be <br />advised that they needed to adhere to the rules of the City for rink usage, and the City's posted <br />schedules. Committee members requested copies of the schedules to assist in monitoring of ice <br />usage. Resident concerns included lights being on after normal hours. <br />MOTION: Crassweller moved and Johnson seconded a motion to recommend to the City <br />Council that the ice rink rental fee, as recommended by staff, remain at its current <br />rate of $25.00 per hour. The motion carried unanimously. <br />PARK TOUR THREE <br />Chairperson Johnson discussed the logistics of the planned final park tour, number three. It was <br />the consensus of the committee that staff would provide each member with an informational <br />packet, with a brief description of the park's current and potential usage, and that committee <br />members would individually tour the remaining four parks, Crepeau, Freeway, Floral, and Royal 10 <br />Hills. Staff should inform committee members of the anticipated return of the park surveys, so <br />staff could summarize comments prior to the next meeting. Committee members also requested <br />maps of the parks, parking and access points. <br />In a related note, Mr. Moore advised committee members that he and Mr. Winkel were <br />coordinating with a Boy Scout troop for wood chips to be placed on trails in Crepeau Park. <br />NEXT MEETING <br />The next meeting of the Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, <br />October 24, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />MOTION: Crassweller moved and Johnson seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 <br />p.m. The motion carried unanimously. <br />Respectfully Submitted <br />Sheila Stowell <br />Recording Secretary <br />