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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 3 <br />COUNCIL LIAISON REPORT <br />Council Liaison Grant was not present to provide a Council report. <br />DATE/TIME OF NEXT MEETING <br />By consensus, the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, 2000 at 6:00 p.m. at <br />City Hall. It was also the consensus of the committee that the remaining two landscape <br />architectural firms each make a ten-minute presentation prior to the park tour. <br />OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br />Director Moore reported on recent resident concerns regarding no ice rink at Valentine Hills <br />Park, as recommended last year due to lack of usage and maintenance difficulties. Mr. Moore <br />reported that he has received approximately sixteen (16) phone calls and a similar number of E- <br />mails regarding this issue. Mr. Moore will be meeting both informally and formally with the <br />group to address their concerns. <br />Cummings Pleasure Rink <br />Mr. Messerly brought up past discussions regarding the pleasure rink at Cummings Park. <br />Discussion included the usage and maintenance of pleasure rinks vs. the use of the hockey rinks <br />at various parks. <br />Bethel College <br />Mr. Tix asked for clarification on the Bethel project. Mr. Moore reported that he had just heard <br />from Bethel's Athletic Director, and they would begin construction as soon as possible. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />MOTION: Straumann moved and Tix seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m. <br />The motion carried unanimously. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Sheila Stowell <br />Recording Secretary <br />9 <br />