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09-28-99 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
09-28-99 PTRC
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08/19/99 THU 15:43 FAX 612 624 7351 UOFM LGL SRVC <br />002 <br />P_j <br />• <br />Parks and Recreation Committee <br />Tuesday, July 27, 1999 <br />7:00 p-m. - Arden Hills City Hall <br />Call to Order and Roll Call. Chairman Don Messerly called the meeting to order at 7:03 p-m. In <br />attendance were committee members Jim Johnson, Anita Larson, Lou Speggen, Rich. Stra»mann; <br />staff members Tom Moore and Michelle Olson; Mayor Dennis Probst, and Council liaison Lois <br />Rem- <br />2- Minutes of June 22, 1999, were approved. <br />Council Report. Lois Rem updated the committee on recent Council discussions and actions <br />concerning the Lexington trail seal -coating, and Bethel College and Arden Manor parks_ Anita <br />Larson asked for updates on: status of the Arsenal (TCAAP) cleanup, especially Site A, and recent <br />park dedications. Mayor Probst noted that there have not been many new plats in Arden Hills <br />recently, and they are the source of park dedications. Remaining development sites are few; the <br />only ones that are even likely to produce dedications include the old city hall site and the Reiling <br />property_ <br />4. Bethel College Park Update. Tom Moore reported that the Mayor and staff had not yet been able <br />to meet with the College to discuss the status of the fee title issue. The City assumes that the <br />College will proceed, with or without our participation. Early in the process, Ramsey County had <br />expressed interest in participating but has not followed through. The Mayor noted that the Council <br />seeks this Committee's concerns and issues with the project as proposed, not any formal action <br />from the Committee. <br />5, Arden Manor Update, Tom Moore reported that Terry Post and he had met with the owner in <br />hopes of negotiating some cost sharing. Staff hopes to begin work at the park this fall. <br />6. Summer Projects Update. Torn Moore reported on the following: <br />a. Playground Structure at Arden Oaks: work is going ahead of schedule. <br />b_ Lexington Avenue Trail resurfacing: will be done next year. <br />-- West Round Lake Road Trail: the City has not received the requested easement from Scholl's, <br />so this project, to link this trail to Hwy 10, will probably be on hold until next year. <br />c_ Hazelnut Tennis/Basketball Court resurfacing: scheduled for 1999 but will wait until next year <br />so that entire park layout can be reviewed and perhaps revised_ Staff also hopes to review and <br />perhaps realign uses at Ingerson park and to discuss hockey rink use at all city parks, including <br />Cummings. Staff is discussing options at Hazelnut with Trinity Lutheran for shared uses. The <br />funds for this project will be held until the redesign issue is settled_ Staff is attempting to <br />implement a philosophy that all parks should be "functional, practical, and maintainable." <br />d. Painting of the Park Signs and Warming Houses: General sprucing -up— all signs and structures <br />are currently being painted and turf fertilized. <br />c. New doors at Perry Park Warming House: vandalism necessitated replacement which was done <br />this week_ <br />f Budget: a handout given to the committee at this meeting was briefly reviewed. <br />g. Water in the Parks: Anita Larson urged the city to install water in all parks and asked what this <br />would cost. <br />7. Vandalism in the Parks. There have been a several damaging attacks on rented Biffys; there has <br />also been some storm damage to trees. Tom Moore noted the terrific job being done by the Parks <br />Maintenance crew, full-time and seasonal, in dealing with these cleanups as well as their scheduled <br />duties. <br />All P/R Mimics (7/27/99) -1 <br />
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