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07-24-01 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
07-24-01 PTRC
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ARDEN HILLS PARKS, TRAILS & RECREATION COMMITTEE 2 <br /> • for the same reason. He noted those two parks had not been well maintained and were <br /> closely located to residential homes so games were no longer scheduled at those <br /> ballfields. Mr. Moore advised that the Arden Manor Park blacktop road has been laid. <br /> Mr. Moore stated he will be meeting with the City Administrator and Finance Director to <br /> draft a proposal to Council for Carey Park improvements and repair to the areas behind <br /> Field #1 and#2 to meet ADA accessibility requirements. These costs would be funded <br /> from the Park Fund and is estimated at $46,000 to be done as a fall project. <br /> Mr. Moore noted the recreation update information included in the meeting packet. <br /> REVIEW OF 50'" ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION <br /> Mr. Moore reviewed the volunteers who assisted with the 50th Anniversary Celebration <br /> event which went off without a"hitch." He stated his personal thanks for those who <br /> helped to make this event a success. He advised of an upcoming meeting of the City <br /> Events Task Force to discuss having another event next year. <br /> Chair Johnson stated he too heard comments from many who had a great time. <br /> PARK AND RECREATION UPDATES - continued <br /> • With regard to the recreation update information, Committee Member Crassweller noted <br /> the overall programming appears to be down some participants and asked if thought had <br /> been given that perhaps the City is spreading itself too thin considering the size of Arden <br /> Hills. He asked if thought has been given to the strongest aspects of the program that <br /> should be promoted. <br /> Ms. Olson stated this question is always discussed by staff and noted the City offered <br /> seven fewer classes which had been quite successful. She noted the decline is based on <br /> trends (track participants), the USA Tennis Carnival site being moved to Roseville, and <br /> spring ceramics was not replaced since the company went out of business. She stated the <br /> egg hunt was down in participants since it was predicted to rain. <br /> Ms. Olson suggested the key is to consider the programs that were offered and how <br /> successful they were. Overall, she noted that they canceled only three classes. Ms. <br /> Olson reviewed staffs efforts to refine the programming offered to eliminate classes that <br /> are not well accepted and to concentrate on the best classes to offer. <br /> Mr. Moore stated staff has also been discussing the potential impact of lower funding <br /> levels due to charitable gambling generating less. Thus, they have developed a policy of <br /> requiring programming to provide a 40% overhead. <br /> At the request of Committee Member Messerly, Ms. Olson explained how staff calculates <br /> • the costs to offer the program, and the minimum and maximum participants needed to <br /> realize a 40% overhead. She noted that some programs cannot realize this level of <br />
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