Public Works Department Goals City of Arden Hills Date: 4/25/16
<br />Goal Work Tasks Priority Notes
<br />engineering consultant pool send out RFQ, interview, obtain couincil approval of pool, determine
<br />process for selection once the pool has been established High 2016
<br />map updates / GIS updates process corrections to maps, update maps to reflect construction
<br />projects Low 2017
<br />Annual update to Capital Improvement
<br />Plan
<br />assess needs for capital improvements, discuss with city council,
<br />approve plan High 2016
<br />Annual update to Equiptment
<br />replacement plan assess needs for equiptment, discuss with city council, approve plan High 2016
<br />I‐35 MnPASS lanes attend planning meeting, share information with city council,
<br />municipal consent Medium 2016
<br />Goal Work Tasks Priority Notes
<br />Park Facilities development work with PTRC, Planning, master developer to plan and build out
<br />parks in TCAAP Medium 2016
<br />equiptment replacement ‐ ADD two toro
<br />"Z" lawn mowers (TCAAP)
<br />assess needs for equiptment, discuss with city council, coordinate
<br />with pace of development, coordinate with needs of the balance of
<br />the city
<br />Low 2018
<br />equiptment replacement ‐ADD felling
<br />trailer (TCAAP)
<br />assess needs for equiptment, discuss with city council, coordinate
<br />with pace of development, coordinate with needs of the balance of
<br />the city
<br />Low 2018
<br />equiptment replacement ‐ADD plow
<br />truck w/ plow, wing and sander (TCAAP)
<br />assess needs for equiptment, discuss with city council, coordinate
<br />with pace of development, coordinate with needs of the balance of
<br />the city
<br />Low 2018
<br />equiptment replacement ‐ADD one‐ton
<br />truck w/ plow and sander (TCAAP)
<br />assess needs for equiptment, discuss with city council, coordinate
<br />with pace of development, coordinate with needs of the balance of
<br />the city
<br />Low 2018
<br />equiptment replacement ‐ADD two ‐F‐
<br />350 pick‐ups (TCAAP)
<br />assess needs for equiptment, discuss with city council, coordinate
<br />with pace of development, coordinate with needs of the balance of
<br />the city
<br />Low 2019
<br />spine road construction design and
<br />construction
<br />review design, monitor construction, collect asbuilts, conduct
<br />acceptance commisioning of equiptment High 2016
<br />sanitary sewer design and construction review design, monitor construction, collect asbuilts, conduct
<br />acceptance commisioning of equiptment High 2016
<br />Sanitary Sewer agreement / Met council
<br />/ Moundsview
<br />update sanitary sewer agreement with Moundsview / Met Council to
<br />allow for sanitary service to TCAAP High 2016
<br />Watermain design and construction review design, monitor construction, collect asbuilts, conduct
<br />acceptance commisioning of equiptment High 2016
<br />Sanitary lift station design and
<br />construction
<br />review design, monitor construction, collect asbuilts, conduct
<br />acceptance and commisioning of equiptment High 2016
<br />public works design standards
<br />research products and equiptment currently used, develop standard
<br />plates of Sewer, Water, Storm Sewer, Streets, and parks standards,
<br />develop written specification of construction, deveop written
<br />standards that apply to design of public infrastructure, create
<br />checklist of materials to be included in submitals, identify acceptable
<br />timeframes for plan reviews
<br />High 2016
<br />amenity design standards adopt standards for amenities within TCAAP High 2016
<br />TCAAP ‐ City owned public infrastructure
<br />inspection process
<br />Develop a plan on how construction of city owned infrastructure will
<br />be inspected Medium 2016
<br />TCAAP ‐ City owned public infrastructure
<br />plan review process Develop a plan on how public infrastructure plans will be reviewed Medium 2016
<br />TCAAP ‐ City utilities hook up inspection
<br />process
<br />develop a process for inspection of sewer and water hook up of
<br />individaul sites in TCAAP Medium 2016
<br />TCAAP ‐ Erosion Control permits manage erosin control permits of individual permit appilcations Medium 2016
<br />TCAAP ‐ individual site development
<br />engineering review process plan reviews of development applications Medium 2017
<br />TCAAP ‐ Public works facility needs study
<br />assess space available in exisiting site, forcast future space needs,
<br />identifty additional facilities needed, identify potential sites to
<br />address space needs
<br />Low 2017
<br />TCAAP ‐ Public Works staffing study assess staffing needs, project future demands, identify stffing
<br />shortages, identify costs to meet projected demands Low 2017
<br />Engineering
<br />TCAAP