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43 <br />186721v2 <br />be in sufficient detail so that it can serve as the basis for determining the <br />conformity of any PUD Final Plan to the PUD Master Plan. <br /> <br />7. Additional Components. The Master Plan may include as <br />additional components, a recreation component; a public building <br />component, providing for consideration of administrative and public <br />safety quarters; and such other components indicated by the nature of the <br />particular proposed development. <br /> <br />Subd. 6 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Plan. <br /> <br />A. Purpose. The purpose of the PUD Final Plan is to implement and <br />ensure conformity with the PUD Master Plan. Each stage of the PUD Master <br />Plan shall require a PUD Final Plan before development. <br /> <br />B. Procedures. The applicant for a PUD Final Plan approval of a specific <br />stage of the PUD Master Plan shall complete and submit to the zoning <br />administrator an application on forms provided by the administrator, including <br />all application fees and escrows. Other applications such as preliminary plat, <br />final plat, and conditional use permit may also be required. The applicant <br />shall provide the following: <br /> <br />1. A written statement describing the proposed development in the <br />PUD Final Plan application. <br /> <br />2. The proposed starting and completion dates for the construction. <br /> <br />3. The applicant shall submit documentation demonstrating that the <br />PUD Final Plan is in conformance with the PUD Master Plan. <br /> <br />C. Development Agreement and Bonding. <br /> <br />1. A development agreement and corporate surety may be required at <br />the time of PUD Final Plan approval by the City Council to assure that all <br />improvements to be constructed as part of the approved PUD Final Plan <br />are completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of such plan, or <br />each stage thereof as outlined in the construction staging component. The <br />bond shall guarantee in a penal sum equal to one hundred twenty-five <br />(125) percent of the cost of such improvements as estimated by the City. <br />The development agreement and bond shall be filed with the administrator <br />no later than sixty (60) days after PUD Final Plan approval. <br /> <br />2. The development agreement may provide for several bonds <br />covering separate aspects of the PUD, the aggregate of which shall total <br />one hundred twenty-five (125) percent of all the improvements to be <br />constructed and completed by the applicant pursuant to the approved PUD