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City of Arden Hills Chapter 13 Zoning Code <br /> <br /> <br />Section 1320 – District Provisions <br />Adopted: November 13, 2006 <br />Page 13 of 24 <br /> <br />intersections as determined by the required traffic study and City review <br />but shall not exceed 2.2 million square feet. Office Showroom and Office <br />Warehouse shall not exceed fifteen (15%) percent of the total building <br />square footage in the Mixed Business District. <br /> <br />4. Individual retail users shall be limited to no more than fifty thousand <br />(50,000) square feet but two individual retail users may have a building <br />footprint up to one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet. <br /> <br />5. Structures with warehousing shall contain an office or retail <br />component comprising at least ten percent (10%) of the establishment’s <br />gross floor area. <br /> <br />6. Service stations shall not exceed a maximum lot size of one (1) acre. <br />If the service station occupies more than one lot, the combined lot size <br />shall not exceed one (1) acre. <br /> <br />7. Buildings in the MB District shall be limited to sixty (60) feet in height. <br />Additional building height may be permitted by conditional use permit if: <br /> <br />a) The additional height provides an economic benefit as determined <br />by the City Council; <br /> <br />b) The additional height does not cast a shadow on a public park <br />and/or open space; <br /> <br />c) At least fifty (50%) percent of the parking is provided in structured <br />parking; and, <br /> <br />d) The building meets a minimum of three of the building design <br />standards listed in Section 1320.135 Subd. 11.A <br /> <br />E. Landscaping and Tree Preservation. A comprehensive landscaping and <br />tree preservation plan shall be completed. The plan shall include planting <br />designs and schedules for parks, public spaces, residential development, <br />commercial/ industrial development, and rights-of-way. <br /> <br />F. Amenities in the Right-of-way. The City may require such amenities as <br />street lighting, sidewalks, landscaping, and other features located in the right- <br />of-way, including medians and boulevards, to be privately managed and <br />maintained by a homeowner’s association, business improvement district, or <br />other similar entity. <br /> <br />G. TCAAP Property Entrance and Exit Design Enhancements. Each primary <br />vehicular access point to the TCAAP property shall be designed with a <br />gateway feature, consisting of a combination of signage, landscaping, lighting <br />and public art, designed to create an attractive and identifiable entrance and <br />to enhance the property's overall image and appearance. Such designs shall <br />include the following elements: <br />