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24 <br />186721v2 <br />Subd. 5 District Requirements. The requirements below are established for <br />development of individual "lots" and for the overall development of "planned <br />projects". "Lots" are individual parcels on which may be placed a single building <br />(either single or multiple-occupancy). "Planned projects" are sites on which may be <br />placed (a) A single or multi-occupancy retail center; (b) Two or more free-standing, <br />single or multiple-occupancy buildings; or (c) A combination of (a) and (b). <br /> <br />A "retail center" is a single building housing either several retail outlets or a single <br />retail outlet with several departments. In a "planned project" individual lots may be <br />created for separate buildings or parts of buildings but separate buildings are not <br />required to be located on separate lots. To allow maximum development creativity <br />and flexibility, regulations such as lot area, side and rear yard building and parking <br />setbacks, Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.), number of parking spaces, percent of landscape <br />area, etc., may be modified for individual parcels and interior lot lines within a <br />project. However, the regulations for these same items must be met for the total <br />project area and exterior project lot lines. <br /> <br />A. Minimum Lot Area Requirements: <br /> <br />1. Multiple-occupancy retail center: 5 acres <br /> <br />2. Free-standing, single or multiple-occupancy building: 2 Acres <br /> <br />B. Maximum Bulk Requirements: <br /> <br />1. Height: 35 feet <br /> <br />2. Floor area ratio (F.A.R.): .30 <br /> <br />3. Lot coverage by structure: 25% <br /> <br />C. Minimum Landscaped Area: 25% <br /> <br />D. Minimum Building Setbacks: <br /> <br />1. Front yard and exterior project lines: 50 ft <br /> <br />2. Side yard: 20 feet <br /> <br />3. Rear yard: 20 feet <br /> <br />Subd. 6 Building Exteriors, Site Features and Site Development. Accomplishing <br />the stated purpose of the B-4 District requires particular concern for the design of <br />buildings, site features (such as landscaping, lighting and signage) and site design. <br />The arrangement, geometry, massing, materials and colors shall be responsive to