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25 <br />186721v2 <br />existing buildings. The City Council will make the final determination on the <br />compatibility and consistency with this provision. <br /> <br />A. Landscaping (Section 1325.05, Subd 1, shall apply) <br /> <br />B. Parking (GB District regulations, Section 1320.13, shall apply) <br /> <br />C. Signs (GB District regulations, Section 1320.13, shall apply) <br /> <br />D. Lighting (GB District regulations, Section 1320.13,) shall apply) <br /> <br />E. Pedestrian Circulation: All development within the B-4 District shall <br />incorporate pedestrian improvements, which may include more specific City <br />requirements that become apparent in the plan review process. <br /> <br />F. Drainage /Water Management Plan: A plan must be submitted with <br />each project or lot development in the B-4 District. The plan must be <br />approved by the Rice Creek Watershed District, other agencies as required, <br />and by the City Engineer. On-site ponding is encouraged as a visual and <br />functional amenity. Two or more lots or projects may coordinate their plans <br />for their mutual benefit. <br />1320.11 Special Requirements for the Civic Center (CC) District. (revised 4/28/08) <br /> <br />Subd. 1 Procedure. The application and the administrative and review procedure <br />established in Section 1355.04 Subd 3, Conditional Use Permits, and Appendix A, <br />Procedural Manual, shall be followed for all development that involves new building <br />construction, modification of a building's exterior, or modification of the site. This <br />provision is subject to any modifications or additions set forth in this Section. The <br />prescribed procedure may be modified by the City to allow planning flexibility and to <br />encourage cooperative dialogue between the applicant and the City. <br /> <br />Subd. 2 Allowable Uses. Development within the CC District will include uses <br />that are permitted and conditional uses on the Land Use Chart, Section 1320.05, <br />under the CC District. These uses must be consistent with the stated purposes of this <br />district and the following development criteria: <br /> <br />A. Uses. Uses as shown on Land Use Chart Section 1320.05, under the <br />CC District as permitted and conditional uses are allowed. Uses not <br />expressly stated on the chart are not allowed, unless determined by the City <br />Council that the use is similar to the allowed uses and that the use is in the <br />best interest of the City and the CC District. In this case, the applicant must <br />demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the proposed uses, lot sizes, <br />height, use mix, location and relationship with other existing and proposed <br />uses are compatible and complementary both internally and with adjacent