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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />TCAAP Redevelopment Communication Plan <br />Key Audiences, Tactic and Tools <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 22 <br /> <br />Audiences Reached: <br /> Institutions <br /> Community service groups <br /> Faith Communities <br /> <br />Format: <br /> Develop a standard speech/ presentation that can be easily modified for <br />audience needs. <br /> Arrange speaking dates in identified markets in service area. <br /> <br />Traveling Display <br />Objective: <br /> Create an informational display that can be set up at public meetings <br />and in public spaces. Offer explanatory information on the TCAPP <br />redevelopment project and a feedback opportunity (contact person, e- <br />mail address, website address, voice mail box). <br /> <br />Audiences Reached: <br /> Institutions <br /> Community service groups <br /> Faith Communities <br /> <br />Format: <br />Develop a free-standing display to deliver messages about Arden Hills. <br />Features will include maps, overhead photos, public involvement options and <br />fact sheets. <br />Possibilities include access to website, comment mechanism (e-mail or <br />paper), schedule of events. <br />Will be set up at speaking engagements, public events and in library and <br />community center lobbies. <br /> <br />Visits with key audiences <br />Objective: <br /> Deliver TCAAP information to key audiences. <br /> Establish personal relationships between spokesperson/ key contacts and <br />key audience. <br /> <br />Audiences Reached: <br /> Elected officials/Administrators representing the jurisdictions in Arden Hills <br /> Officials of Institutions in Arden Hills <br /> Employers in Arden Hills <br /> Business/ Economic Development Associations in Arden Hills <br /> Faith Communities in Arden Hills <br /> <br />Format: <br />One-on-one meetings with opinion leaders within key audiences.