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<br />Page - 1 | METROPOLITAN COUNCIL LOCAL PLANNING HANDBOOK <br />Print Date: 3/10/2016 Checklist of Minimum Requirements for Arden Hills <br />CHECKLIST OF MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR ARDEN HILLS <br /> <br />The checklist below was compiled from information on the Plan Elements pages in the Local Planning Handbook under the <br />“Minimum Requirements” sections of the respective topics. Please note that this information is subject to change. The most <br />current information can always be found on the website. Also, please remember that additional information may be requested <br />during the review process for clarification and accuracy by the Technical Review staff. If you have any questions, please contact <br />your Sector Representative. <br /> <br />LAND USE <br />Forecasts and Community Designation <br />□ Include a table of forecasted population, households, and employment for 2020, 2030, and 2040, consistent with the <br />Council’s forecasts. <br />□ Remember, Council forecasts must be used consistently throughout your entire comprehensive plan. <br />□ Your transportation plan needs to allocate forecasts to transportation analysis zones (TAZs). <br />□ Your water and wastewater plans need to reflect forecasts to plan for urban services. <br />□ Your land use plan must reflect and be coordinated with your forecasts. <br />□ Include a map acknowledging your regional Community Designation(s) and acknowledge the overall density expectations <br />for your Community Designation(s). <br />□ Each Community Designation identifies both Council and Community Roles in Thrive’s land use policy section. Plans must <br />be consistent with Community Roles for your Community Designation(s) as well as Community Roles that apply to <br />everyone. <br /> <br />Existing Land Use <br />□ Provide an Existing Land Use Map with a land use legend. <br />□ Provide an Existing Land Use Table. Calculate total acres and percent of total acres for each land use category. <br />□ Land uses categories on the map and in the table, as well as any text references must all be consistent with one another. <br />□ Show existing regional parks, park reserves, and special recreation features with a land use of “Park” (or your equivalent) <br />on your Existing Land Use Map. <br /> <br />Future Land Use <br />□ The Future Land Use plan must be consistent with the Council’s forecasts of population, households, and employment and <br />identify sufficient land to support your community’s forecasted growth. <br />□ Provide a Future Land Use Map and land use legend, including density ranges for all land uses that allow residential <br />development. <br />□ Provide a Future Land Use Table. Calculate total acres and percent of total acres for each land use category for each 10- <br />year planning period (2020, 2030, and 2040). <br />□ Define each land use category shown on the Future Land Use Map. Land use categories must be used consistently <br />throughout your plan. <br />□ Land use categories must include types of allowed uses and the minimum and maximum densities (“the allowable density <br />range”) for all categories that allow residential uses. Allowed uses should include a description of allowable housing types <br />such as single family, detached, duplexes, townhomes, etc. <br />□ For each “mixed use” category, define an expected share of individual land uses and identify the permitted density range for <br />residential uses. For example, Mixed Use Downtown might have an expectation of 30% commercial, 40% office, and 30% <br />residential with a density of 10-15 units per acre. <br />□ Acknowledge Council-approved master plan boundaries of regional parks, park reserves, and special recreation features by <br />guiding the properties with a land use of “Park” (or your equivalent) on your Future Land Use Map. <br /> <br />For Communities within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and Rural Centers: <br />□ Identify employment locations and provide a measurement of intensity of planned employment. Employment locations <br />are typically the areas guided for commercial, office, industrial and institutional uses. Acceptable measurements of <br />intensity include Floor Area Ratio (FAR), building footprint or impervious coverage. Ranges for measuring intensity are <br />acceptable.
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