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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JUNE 27, 2016 12 <br /> Councilmember Wicklund agreed. He stated he walked around this property and found the site <br /> to be very unique given the location of the home. He supported the three-foot six-inch variance. <br /> Councilmember Holden believed the Mayor was ill-advised to assume that the neighboring <br /> properties would not be impacted by the encroachment. She stated she visited the property pr <br /> ior <br /> to this meeting and was surprised by the lack of vegetation on the side yard. It was her opinion <br /> the proposed deck and three season porch would change the neighborhood. In addition, she did <br /> not believe this was a unique lot and stated the homeowners were fully aware of the home location <br /> when the built. <br /> Mayor Grant discussed the orientation of the neighboring townhouse. He commented the door <br /> on the west side would view the three season porch. However,there was a fair amount of distance <br /> between the two properties. He stated he would be willing to support the three-foot variance to <br /> allow homeowners to have a three season porch that was usable. <br /> Councilmember McClung indicated he visited the site and walked the trail in this neighborhood <br /> frequently. He was concerned with the placement of the house but understood the wetland had <br /> impacted this. He did not believe the property was unique enough for him to offer his support to <br /> the variance. In addition, he was concerned with how close the encroaching three season porch <br /> would be to the adjacent trail. He wished the initial placement of the house had differed. <br /> Councilmember Wicklund recommended the Council take a step back and put themselves into <br /> the shoes of the homeowner. He discussed the complications of applying for a variance. He <br /> believed the three-foot six-inch encroachment was reasonable. He fully supported the request of <br /> the homeowners. <br /> Councilmember Holmes had concern with how the trail would be impacted. She discussed <br /> another variance request in the Venus neighborhood where a three car garage had been denied. <br /> She understood the opinions of the homeowner had to be weighed along with the needs of <br /> residents. For this reason, she stated she would not be able to support the variance. <br /> Mr. Attila commented he was told that Arden Hills was really big in trying to build community. <br /> He asked if this was true. He believed that if the Council were to oppose his variance, that this <br /> would be a step back from community building. He stated he was trying to build a useable porch <br /> and deck that would allow him to further engage with his residents and walkers on the trail, many <br /> of which were his neighbors. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if a wraparound deck would be allowed by the City. <br /> City Planner Streff reported this was the case. <br /> Mrs. Attila reiterated that no trees would be lost through the proposed deck and three season <br /> porch addition. She noted the walking trails were important to her family and she believed she <br /> was being penalized because the trails ran adjacent to her property. <br /> Councilmember McClung agreed with Councilmember Wicklund's assessment and stated he <br /> had taken into consideration the homeowners viewpoint. However, he believed Pulte made a <br />