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Mitlyng Design, LLC Ashley Mitlyng, AIA 612-267-5413 James Mitlyng 612-558-0198 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />7 September 2016 <br />Re: Variance Request, Project 16-017 <br /> <br />Dear Mayor & City Council Members, <br /> <br />The neighbors adjacent to the property at 1536 West Edgewater Avenue have concerns <br />about the variance request. Maureen Shannon & Ray Conroe live at 1528 West Edgewater <br />Avenue, just east of the property under review. Although, they are not thrilled with the <br />encroachment toward their property for reasons of loss of natural light and less privacy, <br />these are quality of life issues that may not be quantified in this discussion. Their <br />quantifiable concerns do belong in this discussion, mainly the severe drainage flow that this <br />area between properties directs. <br /> <br />Over the 33 years that Maureen & Ray have lived in their home, they have built -up and <br />continued to maintain erosion control in order to protect their home from water intrusion. <br />Along with the previous owners of 1536 Edgewater Avenue, they created a swale and <br />surrounding plantings in order to direct the water flow and slow down its pace. In addition <br />to the landscaping work, they had to rebuild their garage wall and garage floor because of <br />the damage the water had caused. The Kindlers were probably not aware of the delicate <br />balance that has been struck between these 2 homes and have already created erosion <br />issues by tearing out plantings that helped filter and direct the water. Maureen & Ray had <br />water in their garage as recently as the end of August. By bu ilding into this area, the need <br />for a drainage and erosion plan will be even greater to the two properties. Any current <br />water intrusion into the garage levels will be more troublesome with less site area to direct <br />the water. <br /> <br />The variance request is for an encroachment of the side yard setback. This encroachment <br />would be 1’-7” into the required side yard setback. The interior of the proposed garage <br />would be 22’. We are appreciative of the design since it reuses the existing garage stall <br />space. Yet, we wonder if any thought was given to minimizing the width of the garage to <br />21’ or just enough to exit & enter vehicles . Depth could be added for storage by building <br />out toward the street. Without further study including an approved landscape drainage <br />plan & ground water table height, it is difficult to tell if the space left between the