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Page 2 of 2 <br />properties is enough to direct drainage away from both properties. For example, the design <br />includes a side access door to the south and would be problematic if water is not directed <br />away from the threshold. <br />Maureen & Ray are happy to work with the Kindlers and the city engineer, John Anderson, <br />and any addition landscape engineer to resolve the drainage and water flow issues . Until <br />this is resolved, a variance for expansi on seems premature. Maureen & Ray’s property <br />ought to be protected from incurring dama ge and additional costs to them for the <br />implementation and maintenance of the neighbor’s plans. <br /> <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br /> <br />Ashley Mitlyng, AIA <br />On behalf of Maureen Shannon & Ray Conroe <br />