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Procedure <br />The City shall determine all Surplus Equipment and may offer it for Donation in conformance <br />with the following guidelines: <br /> <br />1. Identify Surplus Equipment. Department supervisors are responsible for monitoring their <br />equipment and shall identify and report all Surplus Equipment to the City Administrator on at <br />least an annual basis. <br /> <br />2. Determine the Fair Market Value of Surplus Equipment. The City Administrator shall work <br />with City staff to determine the Fair Market Value of the Surplus Equipment. <br /> <br />3. City Council Declaration. The City Administrator will forward a list of the Surplus Equipment <br />with each item’s Fair Market Value to the City Council who shall approve or deny the Surplus <br />Equipment as eligible for Donation. The City has no obligation to make a Donation of Surplus <br />Equipment. Surplus Equipment that is not donated may be sold, recycled or discarded in the <br />discretion of the City Administrator. <br /> <br />4. Donation. After the City Council has determined the Surplus Equipment is eligible for <br />Donation, the City Administrator is responsible for coordinating the Donation of the Surplus <br />Equipment in accordance with the terms of this Policy. <br /> <br />5. Transfer between Departments. All Surplus Equipment must first be considered for transfer <br />between departments for the benefit of the City. <br /> <br />6. Advertisement. Surplus Equipment shall be posted as eligible for Donation on the City’s <br />website. The City may also use other reasonable means to notify Eligible Organizations about <br />the availability of Surplus Equipment. The City shall wait at least 30 days after advertising <br />Surplus Equipment before approving any Donation. <br /> <br />7. Surplus Equipment Form. Eligible Organizations interested in Surplus Equipment shall fill out <br />a Surplus Equipment Form and submit the form to the City Administrator. <br /> <br />8. Approval of Donation. If the Surplus Equipment has a Fair Market Value less than $500.00, <br />the City Administrator shall approve the Donation to an Eligible Organization, subject to review <br />by the City Council. If the Surplus Equipment has a Fair Market Value greater than $500.00, the <br />City Council must approve the donation by a majority vote of the City Council. <br /> <br />9. Prioritization of Donations. If more than one Eligible Organizations requests a Donation for <br />the same Surplus Equipment, the City shall consider factors it deems relevant including how the <br />Surplus Equipment will be used, the benefit to the Eligible Organization, the impact on the City, <br />how the Donation will accomplish goals of the City Council, and any previous Donation to the <br />Eligible Organization. <br /> <br />10. Conflict of Interest. All City employees and officials are prohibited from taking possession of <br />any Surplus Equipment on behalf of an Eligible Organization. <br />