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5 <br />189822v4 <br />9. Developer shall install a sidewalk that connects the primary entrance to <br />the sidewalk on the east side of County Road E access drive. A sidewalk shall also be installed <br />along the south end of the property to connect with the internal pedestrian walkway for the retail <br />center. The Developer, along with the owner of the Shopping Center, shall submit a parking lot <br />and sidewalk striping plan to provide pedestrian connections within the PUD and with <br />neighboring properties. <br />10. Prior to the issuance of any development permits, a copy of all necessary <br />supplemental declarations between Developer and Arden Plaza addressing site operation issues <br />including, but not limited to, driveway maintenance, shared parking and drainage shall be <br />provided to the City. <br />11. All mechanical equipment, whether ground-mounted or roof-mounted, <br />shall be screened from ground-level view of public streets. Wood screening shall not be <br />permitted. <br />12. The trash service area on the northwest side of the parking lot shall be <br />fully enclosed and constructed with the same materials used for the principal structure. <br />13. All lighting will be installed and arranged to direct light away from <br />adjacent lots and public streets. The source of illumination must be hooded, concealed, or <br />controlled so that only the intended site is illuminated. Any light or combination of light cannot <br />cast light that exceeds a meter reading of 1.0 foot candle on the travel lanes of adjoining public <br />streets. <br />14. All spandrel glass used on the building shall be light grey or other color that <br />closely matches the appearance of the transparent glass being used.