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City Council Minutes
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK. SESSION — NOVEMBER 14, ?016 4 <br />Councilmember Holmes requested staff explain the difference between the Town Center and the <br />Town Center Plaza. <br />Ms. Kvilvang described the location of each of these areas within the park plan. <br />Mayor Grant questioned when the plaza became part of the parks plan. <br />Ms. Kvilvang stated the plaza had not become part of the park plan, but staff was simply pricing <br />out this amenity. He provided further comment on the park dedication fees that the City would <br />receive through the development of TCAAP and stated an increase in the residential rates may <br />have to be considered for the City to be able to more closely cover its costs. She reiterated that <br />the estimates from staff were very high level and was a wish list from the PTRC. <br />Councilmember Holden asked how big the creek area was. <br />Ms. Kvilvang reported the creek area was 4.66 acres in size. <br />Councilmember Holmes questioned if the City could receive $8,000 per residential lot for park <br />dedication. <br />Mr. Duval stated this would be one of the highest levels in the State of Minnesota. He believed <br />that $8,000 would be too high for this project. He explained that the City could work. to increase <br />their current rate by delivering high quality parks and stated this could be further explored through <br />the priorities of the Council. <br />Councilmember Holden inquired if the developer or County would be donating the land to the <br />City for parks. <br />Ms. Kvilvang stated this had been her assumption. <br />Councilmember Holden believed that the residents of Arden Hills had already paid for this <br />property when the County purchased the site. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the three major park plans for TCAAP. <br />Mayor Grant questioned the difference between Alatus' numbers related to WSB's. <br />Ms. Kvilvang reported the numbers were very conceptual and had a great deal of assumptions. <br />Jason Amberg, WSB, anticipated that as the plans were reviewed and further refined, a more <br />concrete number could be developed. He indicated the Council would have to address the park <br />design, needs and wants in order for this number to be properly defined. <br />Councilmember Holmes inquired when the Council had to make a determination on the park <br />dedication fee. <br />
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