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ARDEN HILLS CITY COI.INCIL WORK SESSION _ JANUARY I7,2OI7 <br />Mayor Grant agreed with this recommendation. He asked if anything within the feasibility report <br />had changed since the neighborhood meeting. <br />Interim Assistant Public Works Director/City Engineer Polka reported the feasibility report <br />has not changed. <br />B. Lexington Station Master PUD Amendment and Phase 2 Final PUD <br />Senior Planner Bachler explained in 2013, the City approved a Master PUD for the Lexington <br />Station redevelopment project at the southwest comer of Lexington Avenue and Red Fox Road. <br />The total project area is 7 .57 acres in size and is comprised of three separate parcels (3833 and <br />3771Lexington Avenue and 1120 Red Fox Road). <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated Roberts Management has requested a concept plan review for <br />proposed modifications to the Master PUD based on changes in market demand and from lessons <br />learned during Phase 1 of the development. For Phase 2, the existing building at ll20 Red Fox <br />Road would be completely demolished and a new 16,922 square foot retail/office building would <br />be constructed in its place. The building would be repositioned closer to the westem property <br />boundary, which would allow for construction of a greater number of parking stalls to serve the <br />two buildings. A drive-up window has also been added on the south side of the building. <br />Senior Planner Bachler indicated for Phase 3, the footprint of the multi-tenant commercial <br />building on Lexington Avenue has been reduced to 15,210 square feet. A drive-up window has <br />also been added on the north side of the building and would be accessed by a drive lane along the <br />east side of the building. The two retail/office buildings would be replaced by one 17,841 square <br />foot retail building at the southwest corner of the site. The original proposal had included some <br />underground parking for the two retail/office buildings and this would be replaced by additional <br />surface parking. <br />Senior Planner Bachler reported Roberts Management anticipates submitting an application for <br />the Master PUD Amendment and the Final PUD for Phase 2 in early 2017. Phase 2 would <br />commence this year with the demolition of the existing building at ll20 Red Fox Road and <br />expansion of the shared parking area for Phases 1 anp 2. Construction on the Phase 2 building <br />would likely take place during 2018. Phase 3 is expected to be completed between 2021 and2023. <br />Staff has not completed an evaluation of the modif,red plans based on the City's zoning <br />requirements. A detailed analysis would be part of a formal application and review for a Master <br />PUD Amendment and Phase 2 Final PUD. However, it does not appear the proposal would <br />significantly change the approved Lexington Station concept plan. The overall density of <br />dwelopment would decrease from94,634 square feet to 65,313 square feet and the number of <br />surface parking stalls would increase from 339 to 435. With the reduction in building space and <br />the additional surface parking provided, staff believes that some of the parking constraints <br />experienced with Phase 1 would be addressed. <br />Senior Planner Bachler stated the proposal to demolish the existing building at ll20 Red Fox <br />Road instead of remodeling will allow the developer to have a more cohesive building design <br />across the three phases. Roberts Management has provided conceptual elevation plans for the <br />Phase 2 building. The building would have an architectural design closely matching the Phase I
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