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Project Approach to Scope of Work / 10 <br />A Proposal to Provide a 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update for the City of Arden Hills <br />Surface Water Management Plan <br />The existing Surface Water Management Plan will be analyzed and updated as needed to comply <br />with the requirements of the Metropolitan Council and the Rice Creek Watershed District. The <br />updated Plan will rely on information from the City’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan to maximize <br />efficiency and minimize cost. <br />The tasks that will be completed in this update include the following: <br /> ·Coordinate with City Staff and Reviewing Agencies. This task includes providing project <br />management for the plan update and coordination with the City. A project kick-off meeting with <br />City staff and communication with agencies will facilitate collection of needed information. <br /> ·Understand the City’s Current Surface Water Management Plan. This task consists of gathering <br />relevant water resources-related information for the City related to TMDL or WRAPS studies, <br />soils information, climate and precipitation data, and floodplain maps, to name a few. The water <br />resource data collected will be analyzed, interpreted, and summarized in the Plan to provide an <br />indication of the present status and possible trends concerning surface water resources within <br />the City, and to assist in the development of surface water management policies. <br /> ·Identify Problems and Corrective Actions. Water resource management problems identified <br />within the City during the public input and data collection process will be outlined, and corrective <br />actions for each problem will be developed. <br /> ·Establish Goal Setting, Policies, and Priorities. Based on the results of the previous tasks and <br />associated analysis, goals and policies for the management of water resources in the City will <br />be included. It is assumed that the majority of the goals and policies included in the previous <br />plan will not change. WSB will generate additional goals and policies to comply with regulatory <br />updates in coordination with City staff. <br /> ·Develop the Implementation Plan. Through the Plan development process, a number of water <br />resource studies, programs, and capital improvements will be identified either through the <br />inclusion of goals and policies or through addressing problems with corrective actions. These <br />programs, studies, and capital improvements will be prioritized with City staff and Council and <br />developed into a clear implementation plan. <br /> ·Develop the Draft and Final Plan. This task focuses on the preparation of the plan document. The <br />Plan will be formatted as one comprehensive set of goals, policies, and implementation priorities. <br />A preliminary draft of the Plan will be prepared and reviewed with City staff prior to submitting to <br />the Watershed District and Metropolitan Council for review. After their review, the final LSWMP <br />will be prepared and submitted to the City Council for review and approval.