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Project Approach to Scope of Work / 11 <br />A Proposal to Provide a 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update for the City of Arden Hills <br /> <br />Parks and Trails <br />WSB understands that each community consists of multiple perspectives for the future vision of the <br />City’s Park System. Our team will work collaboratively with City staff, the City Council, the PTRC <br />(Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee), and other engaged citizens to bring a fresh perspective <br />to this aspect of the comprehensive plan. This will ensure the views of each group are received, <br />understood, and assessed prior to making any recommendations. <br />Through the engagement process summarized above, input will be received and evaluated. Our <br />professional expertise and knowledge through previous park planning for other peer communities <br />will result in sound recommendations associated with the Park and Trails for the City’s consideration. <br />Recommendations will also reflect requirements that meet or exceed those currently specified by <br />the Metropolitan Council. This will include, but not be limited to, describing, mapping, and labeling all <br />regional, state, and federal recreational lands within the community, as well as any Council-approved <br />future master plan boundaries of such properties. A similar process will be completed for all existing <br />City-owned parks and trails. The park and trail system inventory will be reviewed and compared to <br />input received to determine potential overlaps or gaps. This will serve as a guide for prioritization of <br />future improvements and/or development within the park and trail system to achieve the current and <br />long range goals of the community. In addition to reviewing and updating the current information, <br />the plan will also provide suggestions for sites that may warrant site level master planning and park <br />rehabilitation/replacement projections.