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Project Personnel / 16 <br />A Proposal to Provide a 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update for the City of Arden Hills <br />Eric Zweber, AICP <br />Project Manager <br />Eric is a senior planner and land use specialist at WSB. He has 15 years of experience working <br />directly with residents, business, agencies, and other stakeholders on a variety of plans, programs, <br />and projects. Eric has direct experience in single and multiple family housing, commercial, industrial, <br />institutional, and mixed-use developments. He has experience working for a number of communities <br />in Minnesota, including Arden Hills, Rosemount, Victoria and Wayzata, as well as for communities <br />in Oregon and Wisconsin. He has a deep understanding of development and land use and takes <br />a proactive approach to finding design solutions that meet the community’s goals and the existing <br />market forces. <br />Project Personnel <br />PROJECT MANAGER <br />Eric Zweber, AICP <br />CITY ENGINEER <br />WATER / WASTEWATER <br />SURFACE WATER <br />MANAGEMENT / NATURAL <br />RESOURCES <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />SPECIALIST <br />PARKS / LANDSCAPE <br />ARCHITECTURE <br />TRANSPORTATION <br />Sue Polka, PE <br />Erin Heydinger, EITBill Alms, PE <br />Jim Gromberg Jason Amberg, RLA <br />Scott Mareck, AICP