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02-03-2016 PC
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02-03-2016 PC
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<br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for February 3, 2016 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2016\PC 16-004 - Boston Scientific - Site Plan Review\Memos_Reports_16-004 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />replaced by an internal drive providing access to a future parking ramp located to the west of <br />Building 10. <br /> <br />1. Overview of Request <br /> <br />The proposed skyway would extend from the west end of Building 3 to the northeast corner of <br />Building 10. The east-west leg of the skyway across Innovation Way would be approximately <br />160 feet in length and maintain a clear height of 16 feet above the roadway. From this point, the <br />skyway would slope down and run approximately 240 feet to connect with Building 10. The <br />plans include a two-story addition on the east side of Building 10 required to tie the skyway into <br />the internal circulation of the building. This addition would be relatively narrow, with a width of <br />approximately 12 feet, and would extend 135 feet south from the northeast corner of the <br />building. <br /> <br />An existing curb cut and driveway to the surface parking lot north of Building 10 will be shifted <br />north to maintain adequate clear height under the skyway. Additionally, 26 parking stalls within <br />the lot will need to be removed for the construction of the skyway. Boston Scientific has <br />accounted for these stalls in the “proof of parking” calculation for the overall campus parking <br />plan. The proposal includes regrading of the land adjacent to Innovation Way to allow for an at- <br />grade sidewalk connection to the skyway from Building 14 to the north. The area adjacent to the <br />skyway and along the sidewalk to Building 14 would be landscaped with new trees and <br />perennials. <br /> <br />With the completion of the skyway, the temporary at-grade enclosed pedestrian walkway <br />between Buildings 3 and 10 will be removed. Under the existing Agreement to Terminate Use, <br />Boston Scientific is required to remove the walkway by February 1, 2019. Boston Scientific has <br />stated that their goal is to complete the construction of the skyway and removal of the walkway <br />within 24 months of receiving Site Plan Review approval. Boston Scientific is requesting <br />planning level approval to allow for flexibility in scheduling several potential projects on the <br />campus. <br /> <br />The application also includes a request to extend the March 1, 2016 deadline for the submittal of <br />a Site Plan Review for the modification of the parking area along the Lot 1 and Lot 2 property <br />line and a building permit for the removal of the existing skyway between Buildings B and E. As <br />part of the City’s approval of Planning Case 15-001, Boston Scientific was required to submit a <br />Site Plan Review application and building permit application for this work no later than March 1, <br />2016, or request an extension 45 days prior the deadline. Boston Scientific has noted that they <br />continue to market Lot 1 to potential buyers and will not be able to complete the modifications or <br />the removal of the skyway until a buyer is found. <br /> <br />Boston Scientific has provided a narrative explaining the project in greater detail (Attachment <br />A). A complete plan set, including building, grading, and landscape plans, is provided in <br />Attachment D. <br />
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