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current design for the south parking lot (Phase 1) we have provided approximately 36,221 sf. of planting <br />areas, for a total of 2.53%. <br />The primary justification for flexibility thru the approved PUD related to the Minimum Landscape <br />Requirements for Perennials and Shrubs are identified below: <br />1. The overall design intent for the south parking lot is to provide enough parking stalls, without <br />impacting the existing natural areas and character, to meet the overall parking requirements of <br />1676 stalls on the entire campus site (as identified in the Master PUD submission). The south <br />parking lot serves as the primary guest entrance to the campus, so a balance was desired to limit <br />to overall impervious parking areas, while trying to maintain the existing natural features <br />(wetlands, wooded areas and lawns). The design accomplishes this by focusing the perennial <br />plantings and shrubs adjacent to the entrance roadway to frame and extend the drivers entry <br />experience as you enter towards the campus buildings. The parking lot areas are buffered from <br />the entrance roadway (a min. 20’ wide landscape boulevard has been provided) by the ground <br />level plantings and over story trees to extend the “natural” character all the way up to the <br />building entrances. Subsequently, perennials and ground covers are limited at the parking lot <br />outer edges to allow visitors un-interupted views into the adjacent natural areas. The areas <br />adjacent to the parking lot edges will be planted with a combination of a native turf <br />(approximately 18,900 sf.) and a woodland seed/plug plant mix (26,000 sf.) to enhance these <br />edges and provide long-term vegetated cover. <br />2. As part of the future proposed work in Phase 2, we have defined approximately 176,778 <br />additional sf. of perennial and shrub plantings which equate to approximately 14.26% of the <br />Phase 2 project area. This proposed Phase 2 landscaping, in combination with the Phase 1 <br />landscaping, would result in over 212,999 sf. of perennial and shrub landscaping on the entire <br />project site for a total of 16.79%. This total % of perennial and shrub landscaping would exceed <br />the current zoning code by approximately 170%. This is a two Phased design and construction <br />project, so all proposed improvements will function as one landscape and should be reviewed <br />accordingly. <br /> <br />The Land O’Lakes corporate headquarters expansion project will also be requesting future flexibility thru <br />the Final PUD planning process (for identified north project site in Phase 2) for Section 1325.05, Subd. 1, <br />F. Minimum Landscape Requirements, Planting Islands. The requirements state that planting islands <br />shall be required to visually break up expanses of hard-surface parking areas, to provide safe and <br />efficient traffic movement, and to define rows of parking. Planting islands shall occupy at least ten (10) <br />percent of the parking area. Planting islands shall be edged with concrete curbs. Parking lot planting <br />islands shall be a minimum of 150 square feet in area, be of appropriate width and length, and include <br />at least one tree meeting the requirements of this ordinance. Based on our proposed design, we <br />estimate we will provide approximately 30,240 sf. of planting islands, for a total of 5.9%. <br />The primary justification for flexibility thru the approved PUD related to Minimum Landscape <br />Requirements for Planting Islands are identified below: <br />1. The required number for parking (as identified in the Master PUD submission) to support the <br />overall campus expansion is 1676 stalls. This required parking stall count has caused hardship <br />related to providing the necessary amount of land needed to accommodate this parking while <br />trying to limit the impacts on the valuable natural features of the site. The current site is <br />approximately 47.37 acres, with the wooded areas comprising approximately 22.7 acres,