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City of Arden Hills – 2030 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Approved: September 28, 2009 <br />H-5 <br />B. To present the least deleterious effect to adjacent, less intensive land <br />uses. <br /> <br />14. I-FLEX District (AHC): <br />A. To preserve, protect, enhance and perpetuate existing development in the <br />district. <br />B. To attract new development that is compatible with existing development <br />in the district in terms of use, performance, character, quality and appearance <br />of buildings and sites. <br />C. To permit only those uses that will have traffic generation characteristics <br />that are compatible with existing development in the district and that will <br />ensure reasonable traffic operation on streets in the vicinity. <br />D. To encourage new site development that will be compatible with existing <br />site development standards of existing development in the district. <br />E. To promote flexibility in land uses and site development standards to <br />achieve the objectives of the I-Flex District. <br /> <br />15. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Overlay District (AHC): <br />A. To allow flexibility in land development to benefit from new technology in <br />building design and construction and in land development. <br />B. To encourage variety in the organization of site elements, land uses <br />(residential and non-residential), building densities, and building and dwelling <br />types. <br />C. To promote higher standards of site and building design through the use <br />of trained and experienced professional land planners, landscape architects, <br />registered architects, engineers and surveyors to prepare plans for all PUD's. <br />D. To preserve and enhance desirable site characteristics and open space. <br />E. To promote more efficient and effective use of land, open space and <br />public facilities. <br />F. To effectuate the policies and standards of the Arden Hills Comprehensive <br />Development Plan. <br /> <br />16. POS Parks and Open Space District (AHC): <br />A. To support the Arden Hills Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan and the <br />Ramsey County Parks and Recreation System Plan. <br />B. To provide an area for publicly owned lands that have recognized outdoor <br />recreational or open space resources. <br />C. To support community health through the provision of active and passive <br />outdoor recreational opportunities. <br />D. To promote natural and ecological stewardship. <br />E. To conserve vital environmental resources. <br /> <br />