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11-02-15 JDA
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11-02-15 JDA
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<br />2 <br /> <br />Joint Development Authority <br /> TCAAP Redevelopment Project <br />2. Develop TCAAP in a way that accommodates a mix of land uses that is sensitive to the <br />natural environment, economically sustainable and a benefit to the community. <br />3. Promote the development, redevelopment and maintenance of a viable, innovative and <br />diverse business environment that serves Arden Hills and the metropolitan area. <br />4. Develop and maintain a strong, vital, diverse and stable housing supply for all members of <br />the community. <br />5. Enhance the health, safety and well-being of all who live, work and play in the City. <br />6. Create a comprehensive, maintained and interconnected system of parks, pathways and <br />open spaces, as well as a balanced program of recreational activities for residents of all <br />ages, incomes and abilities. <br />7. Preserve, protect and restore the community’s natural resources, including open spaces, <br />lakes, wetlands, other significant natural features, and historic resources. <br />In addition to advancing the City’s overall community vision through the TCAAP development, the City <br />has identified goals specific to TCAAP. These goals are stated in Section 1.1 (Purpose and Intent) of the <br />approved TRC. <br /> <br />The purpose of the TCAAP Redevelopment Code (TRC) is to implement the vision for a walkable, <br />mixed-use, resilient, and vibrant TCAAP development (hereinafter, “Plan Area”) by: <br />(a) Creating regulations that realize market potential and promote the creation of jobs and <br />economic development; <br />(b) Developing a regulatory process that encourages quality growth and saves time in the <br />development process; <br />(c) Focusing on predictability for both developers and the community; and <br />(d) Providing a Natural Resources Corridor that offers active and passive recreational features <br />and is an amenity to the site. <br />Therefore, the goals of the TRC are to promote and to provide a more functional and attractive <br />community through the use of recognized community design principles and to allow property <br />owners, applicants or developers flexibility in land use, while prescribing a higher level of detail <br />in building design and form than in the current standards of the Arden Hills City Code (AHC). The <br />standards in this code are not intended to stifle creativity nor over-regulate building design but <br />rather encourage better functional building patterns and to create higher quality pedestrian <br />environments along most streets. <br /> <br />
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