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Off Leash Dog Area Proposal <br /> <br />Purpose <br /> <br />At the April joint PTRC/City Council Meeting, the Council gave preliminary approval for the <br />PTRC to move further into researching the possibility of adding a second off leash dog area in <br />Arden Hills. The PTRC will present a proposal at the next Arden Hills City Council Work <br />Session. <br /> <br />Potential Locations <br /> <br />The PTRC has researched the possible locations for an off leash dog area and recommend the <br />following seasonal location: <br /> <br />Perry Park Hockey Rink – 3700 New Brighton Road <br /> <br />Perry Park would be a great option for the second off leash dog park in Arden Hills. There is <br />plenty of parking spaces at Perry Park for residents and guests. The Trails that surround Perry <br />Park are always being used and would encourage people passing through to stop. It has easy <br />access for people of all abilities. <br /> <br />Liability Concerns <br /> <br />Staff contacted the League of Minnesota Cities to discuss liability. The City does not have to do <br />anything special in order for the City’s liability coverage to apply to claims arising from a dog <br />park. From a loss control perspective, some general considerations are listed below: <br />• Provide a barrier to encourage the dogs to stay in the designated area. If you are <br />near a residential area or busy street, consider a fence with a gated entry. A gated <br />entry also makes advisory signs difficult to miss. <br />• Provide trash and containers and even plastic bags to encourage the proper <br />disposal of feces. <br />• Make sure there is adequate parking. Use may exceed expectations <br />• Consider providing water for dogs or encourage owners to bring plenty of water <br />if none exists at the park. <br />• Good maintenance techniques can keep park users safe and reduce liability in the <br />event of a claim. Things like adding mulch to walkways can increase traction. Be <br />sure to include the dog park in a regular documented inspections program, along <br />with other parks. <br />