Laserfiche WebLink
<br />Johanna Marsh Survey <br /> <br />Name:___________________________________________________________ <br />Address:_________________________________________________________ <br />Email:___________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />(The information above will be used by Arden Hills Parks and Recreation Staff only) <br /> <br /> <br />1. Please rank your top three choices (1- being the highest – 3-lowest) <br />(You must select three choices) <br /> <br />____ Benches & Open Green Space <br />____ Community Vegetable Garden <br />____ Dog Park <br />____ Floral Garden <br />____ Playground / Swing Set <br />____ Picnic Shelter <br />____ Tennis Court <br /> <br />2. How often do/did you use the Johanna Marsh Tennis Court? <br />____Very Frequently ____Frequently ____Seldom ____ Never <br /> <br />3. Are you an Arden Hills Resident? <br />____YES ____NO <br /> <br />4. If the City of Arden Hills pays to reconstruct the tennis court are you willing <br />to be assessed part of that cost? ____YES ____NO <br />5. If yes, how much $______________ <br /> <br />6. Counting yourself, how many people in your household are: <br />____Under 5 Years Old ____25-34 Years Old <br />____5-9 Years Old ____35-44 Years Old <br />____10-14 Years Old ____45-54 Years Old <br />____15-19 Years Old ____55-64 Years Old <br />____20-24 Years Old ____65+ Years Old <br />