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Page - 5 | METROPOLITAN COUNCIL LOCAL PLANNING HANDBOOK <br />Print Date: 8/2/2017 Checklist of Minimum Requirements for Arden Hills <br />□ Show the relationship of the RBTN to the local bicycle network of off-road trails and on-street bikeways including all <br />existing and planned connections. <br />□ Include locations of regional employment clusters and activity center nodes (as shown on the RBTN map) and other <br />local activity centers. <br />□ For Tier 1 and Tier 2 corridors on the RBTN, describe and map the existing or planned bicycle facility alignments that <br />are within the established corridors; the purpose of these corridors is as a placeholder for cities/counties to designate a <br />planned alignment. If there is a planned alignment that would fulfill the intent of the corridor and that lies within and in <br />line with the corridor’s directional orientation that the community would propose to replace the established corridor, <br />map that alignment and denote by indicating it as “proposed for the RBTN.” <br />□ Analyze and address the need for local bicycle and pedestrian facility improvements to provide connections over major <br />physical barriers (i.e., freeways, railroad corridors, rivers and streams) on the regional (RBTN) and local networks. <br />□ Discuss pedestrian system needs in a manner that responds to your community designation (as described in Thrive MSP <br />2040) and addresses the needs of your community. <br /> <br />Aviation <br />□ Identify policies and ordinances that protect regional airspace from obstructions. Include how your community will notify the <br />FAA of proposed structures. <br /> <br />Freight <br />□ Identify railways, barge facilities and truck or intermodal freight terminals within the community. <br />□ Identify other important nodes that may generate freight movement, such as industrial parks and large shopping areas. <br />□ Map the road network showing volumes of multi-axle trucks (also known as “heavy commercial average annual daily traffic <br />or HCAADT”) for Principal Arterial and A-Minor functional classifications. <br />□ Identify any local roadway issues or problem areas for goods movement, such as weight-restricted roads or bridges, <br />bridges with insufficient height or width clearances, locations with unprotected road crossings of active rail lines, or <br />intersections with inadequate turning radii. <br /> <br />