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Page - 6 | METROPOLITAN COUNCIL LOCAL PLANNING HANDBOOK <br />Print Date: 8/2/2017 Checklist of Minimum Requirements for Arden Hills <br />WASTEWATER <br />Areas Served by the Regional System <br />□ A table that details the households and employment forecasts in 10-year increments through 2040, based on the Council’s <br />forecasts and any subsequent negotiated modifications. This should be broken down by areas served by the Metropolitan <br />Disposal System, locally owned and operated wastewater treatment systems, and Community and Subsurface sewage <br />treatment systems. The forecasts used in your wastewater plan must be consistent with the forecasts used throughout your <br />plan, including in land use, transportation, and water supply. <br />□ Your wastewater plan must be designed to support these forecasts and provide any allocation breakdowns between <br />sewered and unsewered service for population, households, and employment. <br />□ An electronic map or maps (GIS shape files or equivalent must also be submitted) that show the following information: <br />□ Your existing sanitary sewer system identifying lift stations, existing connection points to the metropolitan disposal <br />system, and future connection points. <br />□ Local sewer service districts by connection point. <br />□ Intercommunity connections and any proposed changes in government boundaries based on Orderly Annexation <br />Agreements. <br />□ The location of all private and public wastewater treatment plants in your community. <br />□ Copy of any intercommunity service agreements entered into with an adjoining community after December 31, 2008; <br />including a map of areas covered by the agreement. <br />□ Management program for subsurface sewage treatment systems to comply with MPCA 7080. <br />□ Current subsurface sewage treatment system ordinance. <br />□ A table or tables that contain the following information: <br />□ Capacity and design flows for existing trunk sewers and lift stations. <br />□ Assignment of 2040 growth forecasts by Metropolitan interceptor facility. In the absence of this information the Council <br />will make its own assignments for the purpose of system capacity needs determination. <br />□ Preventing and reducing excessive infiltration and inflow (I/I), including: <br />□ Define your community’s goals, policies, and strategies for preventing and reducing excessive inflow and infiltration <br />(I/I) in the local municipal and private sanitary sewer systems. <br />□ Include a summary of activities or programs intended to mitigate I/I from both public and private property sources. <br />□ Describe the requirements and standards in your community for minimizing inflow and infiltration. <br />□ Include a copy of the local ordinance or resolution that prohibits discharge from sump pumps, foundation drains, <br />and/or rain leaders to the sanitary sewer system. <br />□ Include a copy of the local ordinance or resolution requiring the disconnection of existing foundation drains, sump <br />pumps, and roof leaders from the sanitary sewer system. <br />□ Describe the sources, extent, and significance of existing inflow and infiltration in both the municipal and private sewer <br />systems . <br />□ Include a description of the existing sources of I/I in the municipal and private sewer infrastructure. <br />□ Include a summary of the extent of the systems that contributes to I/I such as locations, quantities of piping or <br />manholes, quantity of service laterals, or other measures. If an analysis has not been completed, include a <br />schedule and scope of future system analysis. <br />□ Include a breakdown of residential housing stock age within the community into pre- and post- 1970 era, and what <br />percentage of pre-1970 era private services have been evaluated for I/I susceptibility and repair. <br />□ Include the measured or estimated amount of clearwater flow generated from the public municipal and private <br />sewer systems. <br />□ Include a cost summary for remediating the I/I sources identified in the community. If previous I/I mitigation work <br />has occurred in the community, include a summary of flow reductions and investments completed. If costs for <br />mitigating I/I have not been analyzed, include the anticipated wastewater service rates or other costs attributed to <br />inflow and infiltration. <br />□ Describe the implementation plan for preventing and eliminating excessive inflow and infiltration from entering both the <br />municipal and private sewer systems. <br />□ Include the strategy for implementing projects, activities, or programs planned to mitigate excessive I/I from <br />entering the municipal and private sewer systems. <br />□ Include a list of priorities for I/I mitigation projects based on flow reduction, budget, schedule, or other criteria. <br />□ Include a schedule and the related financial mechanisms planned or needed to implement the I/I mitigation <br />strategy. <br /> <br />For communities with new trunk sewer systems that require connections to the Metropolitan Disposal System, you <br />also need to include the following: <br />□ A table that details the proposed time schedule for the construction of the new trunk sewer system in your community. <br />□ Describe the type and capacity of the treatment facilities, whether municipally or privately owned.