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Page - 14 | METROPOLITAN COUNCIL LOCAL PLANNING HANDBOOK <br />Print Date: 8/2/2017 Checklist of Minimum Requirements for Arden Hills <br />IMPLEMENTATION <br />Implementation <br />□ Describe all public programs, fiscal devices, and other actions that your community will use to implement your plan. <br />□ Define a timeline as to when actions will be taken to implement each required element of your comprehensive plan. <br />□ Include a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for transportation, sewers, parks, water supply, and open space facilities. <br />Specify the timing and sequence of major local public investments. <br />□ The CIP must align with development staging identified in other parts of your plan and include budgets and expenditure <br />schedules. <br />□ Describe all relevant official controls addressing at least zoning, subdivision, water supply, and private sewer systems. <br />□ Include a schedule for the preparation, adoption, and administration of needed changes to official controls. <br />□ Include your local zoning map and zoning category descriptions. Identify what changes are needed to ensure zoning is not <br />in conflict with your new land use plan and consistent with regional system plans and policies. <br />□ Review and update official controls within 9 months of adopting your 2040 plan. Official controls must not be in conflict with <br />your updated plan. You must provide copies of all revised official controls to us. <br />□ The Housing Plan Element has implementation requirements as well. Refer to that section to ensure that implementation <br />requirements for the Housing Action Plan are met. <br />