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RECOGNIZED TOOLS AND RESOURCES TO ADDRESS HOUSING NEEDS <br />Under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, local comprehensive plans must include a housing element that contains <br />standards, plans, programs, public programs, fiscal devices, official controls and specific actions that will be used to <br />address existing and projected housing needs. <br />What do standards, plans, programs, public programs, fiscal devices, official controls and specific actions have in <br />common? <br />They’re all tools. <br />But each community is different, and some tools are not available or realistic for all municipalities. Some tools that <br />are commonly known and used by one community may not even be known by another community. Below is a <br />comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of widely used tools in the region to address a wide variety of housing needs. <br />Plans consistent with Council policy will identify and consider all widely accepted tools to address their housing needs. <br />We understand that communities have many competing needs and priorities. Complete housing implementation <br />programs do not have to commit every available tool to meet housing needs, and deciding which tools to use - and why <br />- is a local responsibility. However, by acknowledging and discussing, at a minimum, the resources listed below, your <br />implementation program will be a clear, transparent policy document guiding planners, local leaders, developers and <br />citizens toward the housing opportunities that are and will be available in your community. <br />WIDELY ACCEPTED TOOLS TO ADDRESS HOUSING NEEDS <br />Local sources of funding: <br />•Creation/use of a local Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), Community Development Agency (CDA), or <br />Economic Development Authority (EDA) <br />•Housing Bonds <br />•Tax Abatement <br />•Tax Increment Financing <br />Federal and regional sources of funding: <br />•All communities: Consolidated Request for Proposals <br />•All communities: Land Bank Twin Cities <br />•All communities participating in the Livable Communities Act: Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) <br />•All communities participating in the Livable Communities Act: Livable Communities Demonstration Account – <br />Transit Oriented Development (TOD) <br />•Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Dakota and Anoka communities: Community Development Block Grant Funds <br />(CDBG) <br />•Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Dakota and Anoka communities: HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) <br />•Hennepin communities: Affordable Housing Incentive Fund (AHIF) <br />•Dakota communities: Housing Opportunities Enhancement Program (HOPE) <br />•Washington communities: Gap Financing for Redevelopment and Rental Owner Occupied Housing (GROW) <br />•Scott and Carver communities: Small Cities Development Program (CDBG and HOME administered through state <br />agencies) <br />HOUSING TOOLS LOCAL PLANNING HANDBOOK <br />Continue to next page <br />Attachment F