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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JANUARY 22, 2018 6 <br /> Mayor Grant stated he was in favor of staff's recommendations regarding the watermain. He <br /> noted many standards recommend watermains be at least 8 feet in depth. He explained this would <br /> be a 12-inch line that would feed TCAAP and the City did not want this line freezing or breaking. <br /> He stated he was uncertain who would have proposed putting a trunk line so close to the surface <br /> but indicated this would not work in Minnesota. He asked the City Attorney if placing conditions <br /> on the municipal consent approval would hold. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik explained the staff recommended Resolution supports disapproval unless <br /> changes are made. He anticipated the City would receive a letter from MnDOT after receiving a <br /> denial for the Final Layout. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the City Council should recommend the watermain be 71/4 or 8 feet in <br /> depth. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Polka stated the current line was 8 feet in depth. <br /> Mayor Grant supported the Council recommending the watermain be at least 8 feet in depth. He <br /> questioned if the Big 10 Tavern supported the proposed changes to the roadway layout. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Polka explained she met with Mr. Walsh and he was <br /> supportive of the changes. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated he had no problem disapproving the final design plans given <br /> the fact the watermain placement was not done correctly. He reiterated that this was a crucial line <br /> that would feed TCAAP. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember McClung moved and Councilmember Holmes seconded a <br /> motion to adopt Resolution 2018-009 Disapproving the Final Layout for the <br /> US 10 Improvements stating the watermain would have to be located at least <br /> 10 feet horizontally from the proposed noise wall and be placed at least 8 feet <br /> in depth all at MnDOT's cost. <br /> Mayor Grant recommended another condition be added to ensure the service road would be <br /> striped as a two-way roadway. The Council supported this amendment. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the City Council's concerns regarding the noise study south of Highway 96 <br /> on US Highway 10 should be addressed at this time. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik recommended the Council address this issue with MnDOT at another time <br /> as it was a separate matter. <br /> Mayor Grant questioned if semis and firetrucks would be able to use the right-in, right-out at the <br /> Big 10 Tavern. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Polka reported MnDOT had designed the right-in, right- <br /> out to allow firetrucks and semis to be able to maneuver through this intersection. <br />