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City of Arden Hills – 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Approved: 2018 <br />4-1 <br />4. ACTIVE LIVING <br /> <br />Goal: Enhance the health, safety, and well-being of all who live, work, and play in the <br />City. <br /> <br />In 2006, the City received a grant from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota to <br />incorporate active living principles into the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of <br />the grant was to encourage cities to create a natural and built environment that <br />encourages more physical activity and, subsequently, leads to an increase in overall <br />public health. There is no single solution to increasing physical activity or public health, <br />and the City does not seek to change personal choices. However, the City can work to <br />remove obstacles to physical activity and increase opportunities for healthy living <br />choices. The City continues to support the active living goals and policies identified <br />during the last Comprehensive Plan update and has elected to retain this chapter in the <br />2040 Comprehensive Plan. <br /> <br />4.1 ACTIVE LIVING PRINCIPLES <br />A principal goal of active living is to create opportunities that integrate physical activity <br />into daily routines. Removing obstacles in the built environment and encouraging a built <br />environment that promotes physical activity can be achieved through the planning <br />process. <br />In committing to promote and increase physical activity, the following principles, based <br />on principles prepared by the Active Living by Design group <br />(, serve as a guide to advancing the active living <br />movement: <br />1. Physical activity is a behavior that can favorably improve health and quality of <br />life. <br /> <br />2. Everyone should have safe, convenient and affordable choices for physical <br />activity. <br /> <br />3. The City and new developments should be designed to provide a variety of <br />opportunities for physical activity and should accommodate a wide range of <br />individual preferences and abilities. <br /> <br />4. Development patterns should encourage opportunities for active living where <br />appropriate as well as a variety of transportation choices. <br /> Draft 03/07/2018