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City of Arden Hills – 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br /> <br /> <br />Approved: 2018 <br />4-2 <br />5. Buildings should be designed and oriented to promote opportunities for active <br />living, especially non-motorized transportation. <br /> <br />6. Transportation systems, including transit, should provide safe, convenient and <br />affordable access to housing, worksites, schools and community services. <br /> <br />7. Parks and green space, including pathways, should be safe, accessible and part <br />of a transportation network that connects destinations of interest, such as <br />housing, worksites, schools, community services and other places with high <br />population density. <br /> <br />8. The City, in cooperation with other public and private entities, are encouraged to <br />plan for ongoing interdisciplinary collaboration, promotion of facilities, behavioral <br />supports, policies that institutionalize the vision of active living, and routine <br />maintenance that ensures continued safety, quality and attractiveness of the <br />physical infrastructure. <br /> <br />9. City planning processes should address the multiple impacts of the built <br />environment and transportation choices on residents' ability to be physically <br />active. <br /> <br />These principles can help serve as an evaluation framework for new developments, <br />ordinances, and policies. <br /> <br />4.2 APPLYING ACTIVE LIVING PRINCIPLES <br /> <br />This chapter does not encompass all of the goals or policies related to the active living <br />movement. Where applicable, active living principles have been incorporated <br />throughout this Plan to encourage coordination between goals, policies, and strategies. <br />For example, reconstructing a road in the transportation chapter is related to creating a <br />new pathway in the parks and recreation chapter, which increases opportunities for <br />physical activity and healthy living. <br /> <br />In addition to the goals and policies throughout this Comprehensive Plan, the city seeks <br />to advance the overall active living goal with the following additional policies: <br />o Encourage the incorporation of active living principles into new developments <br />and redevelopments where feasible. <br />o Consider active living principles when evaluating new policies, ordinances, <br />procedures, and proposals. <br />o Work with the adjacent communities, school districts, public & private institutions, <br />and employers to encourage and advance the active living principles. Draft 03/07/2018