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<br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Work Session for June 18, 2018 <br />P:\Planning\Planning Cases\2018\PC 18-015 - 1155 Red Fox Road - Public Storage - Concept Plan <br />Review\Memos_Reports_18-015 <br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />The proposal would not require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The property at 1155 <br />Red Fox Road is guided for Mixed Business, which is defined as: “areas designated for a variety <br />of businesses, including commercial, certain light industrial uses, office, general business, and <br />retail.” The property at 1143 Red Fox Road is guided for Commercial, which is defined as: <br />“areas designated for a broad range of retail, shopping, and services to meet the needs of the <br />community and region.” <br /> <br /> <br />Concept Plan Proposal <br />The property at 1155 Red Fox Road is 2.04 acres in size and 1143 Red Fox Road is 1.36 acres <br />for an overall development area of 3.4 acres. The proposal would locate the self-storage facility, <br />parking, and other site improvements on 1155 Red Fox Road. A bio-filtration basin for the <br />development and perennial planting areas are proposed to be located on 1143 Red Fox Road. <br /> <br />The self-storage facility would have a footprint of 38,755 square feet and would generally be <br />situated in the center of the lot. The proposed building would be three stories in height for a <br />gross floor area of 118,456 square feet. The gross floor area includes a 2,200 square foot loading <br />lobby located on the eastern side of the building. The rental office for storage units would be <br />located at the southeast corner of the building. <br /> <br />The table below provides the performance standards for the B-3 District and the preliminary <br />analysis for the proposed development. This analysis is based on the project being developed as a <br />Planned Unit Development comprised of the two properties at 1155 and 1143 Red Fox Road. <br /> <br /> B-3 District Standards Public Storage Proposal <br />Maximum Building Height 35 feet 32 feet (Parapet extends up to 39 feet) <br />Maximum Floor Area Ratio 0.8 0.8 <br />Maximum Structure Coverage 40% of lot area 27.7% <br />Minimum Landscape Lot Area 25% of lot area 63.0% <br />Minimum Front Yard Setback 50 feet 50 feet <br />Minimum Side Yard Corner Setback 50 feet 37.8 feet <br />Minimum Rear Yard Setback 20 feet 30 feet <br />Minimum Side Yard Setback 20 feet 40 feet <br /> <br />Two access driveways are proposed: one on Red Fox Road at the southeast corner of the <br />property, and the second on Northwoods Drive at the northwest corner of the property. A drive <br />lane would wrap around the east and north side of the building connecting the two driveways. A <br />total of 22 parking stalls would be provided, including 6 stalls within the loading lobby. The <br />City’s off-street parking requirements do not include a category for self-storage facilities, and the <br />number of required parking stalls would be determined by the City Council after Planning <br />Commission recommendation. <br /> <br />The Design Standards in Section 1325.05 of the Zoning Code require a certain number of new <br />tree plantings based on the size of the building. In this case, approximately 370 caliper inches of
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