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<br />-20- <br />City E-mail Address Required to Receive State Aid – Effective for state aids payable in 2018 and <br />thereafter, cities will be required to register an official e-mail address with the Commissioner of the state <br />Department of Revenue in order to receive state aid payments. <br /> <br />Workforce Housing Tax Increment Financing – The omnibus tax bill created a new authorized use of <br />tax increment financing (TIF), for workforce housing in cities located outside of the statutorily defined <br />metropolitan area that meet certain criteria. <br /> <br />Tax Increment Financing Interfund Loans – Interfund loan provisions for TIF were amended to make <br />it easier for cities and development authorities to make and document interfund loans. Loans may now be <br />made or documented up to 60 days after the actual transfer or expenditure occurs. Interfund loan <br />resolutions may now be passed prior to the final approval of the related TIF plan. Loan terms may be <br />amended after the loan has been made if the TIF district has not been decertified. <br /> <br />Public Debt – The Legislature passed several amendments to statutes governing public debt that took <br />effect on July 1, 2017, including: <br /> <br />• Allowing both home rule charter and statutory cities to issue 20-year capital notes for projects <br />to eliminate R-22 Freon-based refrigerant; <br />• Increasing the maximum dollar limit on Housing and Redevelopment Authority general <br />obligation bond issues from $3 million to $5 million; and <br />• Modifying the requirements for street reconstruction bonds to be approved by a two -thirds <br />majority of the governing body rather than requiring unanimous approval. <br /> <br />Local Housing Trust Funds – The omnibus jobs and economic growth appropriations bill established <br />authority for cities to create a local housing trust fund by ordinance, or to participate in a joint powers <br />agreement to establish a regional housing trust fund. The funds, which may be financed from sources such <br />as local government appropriations or housing and redevelopment authority levies, may be used for grants <br />or loans for development, rehabilitation, financing of housing to match federal or state or private funds for <br />housing, down payment assistance, rental assistance, or homebuyer counseling. <br /> <br />Long-Term Equity Investment Authority – Effective July 1, 2017, cities with a population of more <br />than 100,000 or those that had their most recently issued general obligation bonds rated in the highest <br />category, are authorized to invest in an expanded list of authorized investments that includes certain <br />equity-based investments. The amount invested in equity-based investments cannot exceed 15 percent of <br />the sum of a city’s assigned cash, cash equivalents, deposits, and investments. Before investing in the <br />expanded list of authorized investments, the governing body of the municipality must adopt a resolution <br />acknowledging the risks assumed. <br /> <br />Border-to-Border Broadband Grants – The Legislature appropriated $20 million in fiscal 2018 for the <br />Border-to-Border Broadband Grant Program. The grants, available through the Office of Broadband <br />Development in the Department of Employment and Economic Development, provide funding to help <br />communities meet state goals for the development of state-wide, high-speed broadband access, focusing <br />on areas currently considered to be underserved or with a high concentration of low-income households. <br /> <br />Elections – An omnibus elections law was passed making several modifications to election <br />administration, including: requiring special elections conducted by local governments be held on one of <br />five uniform election dates, clarifying the timeline for municipalities to change from o dd to even-year <br />election cycles or vise-versa, allowing municipalities to canvass the results of a primary election on the <br />second or third day after the primary, and appropriating $7 million for grants to replace aging election <br />equipment or purchase electronic poll books.
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