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<br />-21- <br />Workers’ Compensation and PERA Retirement Benefits – A statutory change was adopted based on <br />the results of recent court rulings that Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) retirement <br />benefits should not be offset against workers’ compensation permanent total disability benefits. Under the <br />new law, claimants would receive all past and future permanent and total disability benefits without a <br />PERA retirement offset. <br /> <br />Notice of Proposed Ordinances – A new statute was created requiring cities to provide a 10-day notice <br />prior to a scheduled final vote on most new proposed ordinances or amendments to ordinances, and <br />specifying the various acceptable means of providing the required notification. <br /> <br />State Building Code Applicability – Construction, additions, and alterations to places of public <br />accommodation; defined as publicly or privately-owned facilities designed for occupancy by 200 or more <br />people as a sports or entertainment arena, stadium, theater, community or convention hall, special event <br />center, indoor amusement facility or water park, or indoor swimming pool; must comply with the state <br />building code. <br /> <br />Sunday Liquor Sales – Minnesota Statutes were amended to allow for the sale of intoxicating liquor on <br />Sundays between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. by off-sale licensees, effective July 1, 2017. <br /> <br />REAL ID Act – Minnesota Statutes were amended to make the state compliant with federal REAL ID <br />Act requirements, which will change identity verification and security related to state-issued identification <br />cards and driver’s licenses.