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<br />-22- <br />ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING UPDATES <br /> <br />GASB STATEMENT NO. 75, ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING FOR POSTEMPLOYMENT <br /> BENEFITS OTHER THAN PENSIONS <br /> <br />GASB Statement No. 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than <br />Pensions, establishes new accounting and financial reporting requirements for governments whose <br />employees are provided with other post-employment benefits (OPEB), as well as for certain nonemployer <br />governments that have a legal obligation to provide financial support for OPEB provided to the <br />employees of other entities. This statement replaces the requirements of GASB Statement Nos. 45 and 57. <br /> <br />This statement establishes standards for recognizing and measuring liabilities, deferred outflows of <br />resources, deferred inflows of resources, and expense/expenditures. Similar to changes implemented for <br />pensions, this statement requires the liability of employer and nonemployer contributing entities to <br />employees for defined benefit OPEB (net OPEB liability) to be measured as the portion of the present <br />value of projected benefit payments to be provided to current active and inactive employees that is <br />attributed to those employees’ past periods of service (total OPEB liability), less th e amount of the OPEB <br />plan’s fiduciary net position. Note disclosure and RSI requirements about defined benefit OPEB also are <br />addressed. <br /> <br />The requirements for this statement are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2017. Earlier <br />application is encouraged. <br /> <br />GASB STATEMENT NO. 83, CERTAIN ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATIONS <br /> <br />This statement addresses accounting and financial reporting for certain asset retirement obligations <br />(ARO), which are legally enforceable liabilities associated with the retirement of a tangible capital asset. <br /> <br />This statement establishes criteria for determining the timing and pattern of recognition of a liability and a <br />corresponding deferred outflow of resources for ARO. A government that has legal obligations to perform <br />future asset retirement activities related to its tangible capital assets should recognize a liability when it is <br />both incurred and reasonably estimable. The measurement of an ARO is required to be based on the best <br />estimate of the current value of outlays expected to be incurred, and a deferred outflow of resources <br />associated with an ARO is required to be measured at the amount of the corresponding liability upon <br />initial measurement. <br /> <br />This statement requires the current value of a government’s AROs to be adjusted for the effects of general <br />inflation or deflation at least annually, and a government to evaluate all relevant factors at least annually <br />to determine whether the effects of one or more of the factors are expected to significantly change the <br />estimated asset retirement outlays. A government should remeasure an ARO only when the result of the <br />evaluation indicates there is a significant change in the estimated outlays. Deferred outflows of resources <br />should be reduced and recognized as outflows of resources in a systematic and rational manner over the <br />estimated useful life of the tangible capital asset. <br /> <br />If a government owns a minority interest in a jointly owned tangible asset where a nongovernmental <br />entity is the majority owner or has operational responsibility for the jointly owned asset, the government’s <br />minority share of an ARO should be reported using the measurement produced by the nongovernmental <br />majority owner or the nongovernmental minority owner that has operational responsibility, without <br />adjustment to conform to the liability measurement and recognition requirements of this statement.