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<br />-23- <br />The statement also requires disclosures of any funding or financial assurance requirements a government <br />has related to the performance of asset retirement activities, along with any assets restricted for the <br />payment of the government’s AROs. This statement also requires disclosure of information about the <br />nature of a government’s AROs, the methods and assumptions used for the estimates of the liabilities, and <br />the estimated remaining useful life of the associated tangible capital assets. If an ARO (or portions <br />thereof) has been incurred by a government but is not yet recognized because it is not reasonably <br />estimable, the government is required to disclose that fact and the reasons therefor. This statement <br />requires similar disclosures for a government’s minority shares of AROs. <br /> <br />The requirements of this statement are effective for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2018. <br />Earlier application is encouraged. <br /> <br />GASB STATEMENT NO. 84, FIDUCIARY ACTIVITIES <br /> <br />This statement establishes criteria for identifying fiduciary activities of all state and local governments. <br />The focus of the criteria generally is on (1) whether a government is controlling the assets of the fiduciary <br />activity and (2) the beneficiaries with whom a fiduciary relationship exists. Separate criteria are included <br />to identify fiduciary component units and post-employment benefit arrangements that are fiduciary <br />activities. <br /> <br />An activity meeting the criteria should be reported in a fiduciary fund in the basic financial statements, <br />which should present a statement of fiduciary net position and a statement of changes in fiduciary net <br />position. This statement describes four fiduciary funds that should be reported, if applicable: (1) pension <br />(and other employee benefit) trust funds, (2) investment trust funds, (3) private -purpose trust funds, and <br />(4) custodial funds. Custodial funds generally should report fiduciary activities that are not held in a trust <br />or equivalent arrangement that meets specific criteria. <br /> <br />A fiduciary component unit, when reported in the fiduciary fund financial statements of a primary <br />government, should combine its information with its component units that are fiduciary component units <br />and aggregate that combined information with the primary government’s fiduciary funds. <br /> <br />This statement also provides for recognition of a liability to the beneficiaries in a fiduciary fund when an <br />event has occurred that compels the government to disburse fiduciary resources, defined as when a <br />demand for the resources has been made or when no further action, approval, or condition is required to <br />be taken or met by the beneficiary to release the assets. <br /> <br />The requirements of this statement are effective for reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2018. <br />Earlier application is encouraged. <br /> <br />GASB STATEMENT NO. 85, OMNIBUS 2017 <br /> <br />The objective of this statement is to address issues that have been identified during implementation and <br />application of certain GASB statements. The statement addresses a variety of topics, including issues <br />related to blending component units, goodwill, fair value measurement and application, and <br />post-employment benefits (pensions and OPEB). The statement is meant to enhance consistency in the <br />application of recent accounting and financial reporting standards. The requirements of this statement are <br />effective for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2017.