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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—MAY 29, 2018 7 <br /> 7. The proposed Lake Johanna Station 1 development is proposed at approximately 2.01 <br /> units per net acre. <br /> 8. The Arden Hills 2030 Comprehensive Plan designates the future land use of the subject <br /> property as Public and Institutional. <br /> 9. The applicant has requested a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land <br /> use designation of the property to Very Low Density Residential. <br /> 10. The Arden Hills 2030 Comprehensive Plan defines Very Low Density Residential as, <br /> "traditional single-family residential land use category. A density range of 1.5 to 3 units <br /> per acre." <br /> 11. The adjacent properties to the north, east, west and south are zoned R-2 District and are <br /> guided for Low Density Residential uses in the Arden Hills 2030 Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 12. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment would be consistent with adjacent land <br /> uses and the goals included in the Land Use chapter of the Arden Hills 2030 <br /> Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 13. The proposed Johanna Station 1 subdivision meets the Minimum Subdivision Design <br /> requirements included in Section 1130 of the City Code. <br /> 14. The proposed Johanna Station 1 subdivision meets or will be required to meet the <br /> Required Improvements for subdivisions included in Section 1140 of the City Code. <br /> 15. The proposed development requires public use dedication, as required in Section 1130.08 <br /> of the City Code. <br /> 16. The park dedication requirement for this application is ten (10) percent of the buildable <br /> land area in the subdivision or a park development fee of$6,500 per unit. Ten percent of <br /> the development would be 0.28 acres which would not allow for a feasible park area. The <br /> park development fee of$6,500 per unit will be applied in this case. <br /> 17. The proposed development meets the minimum district requirements for the R-2 Zoning <br /> District. <br /> City Planner Bachler stated that if a motion to approve is made, staff would recommend that <br /> the following eighteen (18) conditions be included in the motion: <br /> l. The project shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans as amended by the <br /> conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the City <br /> Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and City <br /> Council. <br /> 2. The execution of the Final Plat shall be contingent upon the Metropolitan Council's <br /> approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. <br /> 3. A Development Agreement shall be prepared by the City Attorney and subject to City <br /> Council approval. The Development Agreement shall be executed prior to the execution <br /> of the Final Plat. <br /> 4. The applicant shall submit a park dedication fee in the amount of$19,500, subject to the <br /> approval of the City Council. The park dedication fee shall be submitted prior to the <br /> execution of the Final Plat. <br /> 5. The applicant shall file the Final Plat with the Ramsey County Recorder and provide the <br /> City with a recorded copy within sixty(60) days of approval. <br />