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OFFER EXPIRATION DATE <br />Proposals in response to this RFP will be valid for 60 days from the proposal due date. The City reserves <br />the right to ask for an extension of time if needed. <br /> <br />CONDITIONS FOR PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE <br />This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract or to pay any costs incurred for any services. The <br />City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result <br />of this RFP, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel this RFP in part or in its entirety. <br /> <br />AGREEMENT AND INSURANCE <br />The successful consultant will be asked to enter into an agreement and to provide a certificate of <br />insurance showing coverage for liability, workers compensation, and automobile. <br /> <br />INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS <br />The selected consultant will not be an employee of the City and must meet the IRS requirements for <br />designation as an independent contractor or firm. <br /> <br />CONFLICT OF INTEREST <br />The City of Arden Hills requires consultants disclose conflicts of interest when they may occur. The City, <br />at its discretion, may arrange for alternative third party support in such cases. In general, the City will <br />not allow a consultant to review applications from a client of the service provider. Past or pending client <br />relationships may or may not be determined to be conflicts, but should always be disclosed and <br />discussed with the City. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />