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02-07-18 PC
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PC Packets 2018
02-07-18 PC
Entry Properties
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8/30/2018 3:52:59 PM
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8/30/2018 3:50:24 PM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – January 10, 2018 10 <br /> <br /> <br />1. Accessory structures are not to be located between the façade of a house and the <br />public street. <br />2. The property does not have unusual or unique circumstances that justify a deviation <br />in the shed placement. <br /> <br />Commissioner Lambeth discussed the topography and steep slope that was located on the <br />property. He anticipated the shed could be located in the rear yard with a bobcat. <br /> <br />The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />C. Planning Case 17-029; Preliminary Plat, Final plat, Vacation of Easement – 3685 <br />New Brighton Road – Public Hearing <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler explained the existing property at 3685 New Brighton Road is <br />approximately 1.9 acres in size and is comprised of a single-family residential dwelling, detached <br />garage, and shed. The dwelling and accessory structures are located towards the eastern side of <br />the property and the one access driveway for the lot is on New Brighton Road near the <br />intersection with Thom Drive. The property as approximately 124 feet on frontage on New <br />Brighton Road and 378 feet of frontage along Thom Drive. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler commented the existing topography of the lot generally slopes west from <br />New Brighton Road to a wetland complex located on the western parcel boundary. This wetland <br />complex covers approximately 0.3 acres of the property and extends off the property to the north <br />and south. The City has a sanitary lift station located on the southern edge of the property <br />approximately in the middle of the lot. The remainder of the lot is heavily wooded. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler reported the applicant has proposed a subdivision of the existing property <br />to create three lots for single-family residential dwellings. The existing dwelling and other <br />improvements would be retained and located on the proposed Lot 3. Two new lots (Lot 1 and Lot <br />2) would be located to the west of Lot 3 with frontage and driveways on Thom Drive. The <br />existing access driveway for Lot 3 would be located to Thom Drive so that all three parcels are <br />similarly oriented with their principal frontage on Thom Drive. There is a purchase agreement in <br />place for the easterly lot (Lot 2) and the applicant expects construction to begin on this lot <br />immediately if City approval is received. The westerly lot (Lot 1) is being marketed for sale. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler stated in order to support the proposed development, a Preliminary Plat, <br />Final Plat, and Vacation of Easement is requested. The easement vacation is needed to vacate a <br />portion of the public utility easement for the City lift station on the property. The development is <br />required to meet Rice Creek Watershed District regulations and the proposed grading plan shows <br />that two basins would be constructed on Lot 1 to capture stormwater runoff from the site and <br />allow it to discharge into the adjacent wetland. Lot 1 and Lot 2 would be graded to direct water <br />flow from these properties to one of the two basins. The site is heavily wooded with 72 <br />significant trees. A Tree Preservation Plan has been provided indicating 22 of these trees would <br />be removed. Replacement tree plantings are proposed as part of the Tree Preservation Plan. <br /> <br />Site Data <br />Land Use Plan: Low Density Residential
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