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02-07-18 PC
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Planning Commission Packets
PC Packets 2018
02-07-18 PC
Entry Properties
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8/30/2018 3:50:24 PM
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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION – January 10, 2018 11 <br /> <br />Existing Land Use: Single Family Detached Residential <br />Zoning: R-2: Single & Two Family Residential <br />Current Lot Sizes: 83,253 square feet (1.91 acres) <br />Topography: Property slopes east to west approximately 28 feet from New <br />Brighton Road to the wetland complex on the western <br />boundary. <br /> <br />City Planner Bachler reviewed the surrounding area, and the Plan Review. Staff offered the <br />following Findings of Fact for review: <br /> <br />1. The property at 3685 New Brighton Road is located in the R-2 – Single and Two-Family <br />Residential Zoning District. <br />2. The subject property is 83,253 square feet in size with approximately 124 feet on frontage <br />on New Brighton Road and 378 feet of frontage on Thom Drive. <br />3. The subject property is currently comprised of a single-family residential dwelling, <br />detached garage, and shed. <br />4. The City has an existing lift station located along the southern line of the subject property <br />along Thom Drive. This lift station is located on private property and the City has a utility <br />easement that permits the City to operate and maintain the lift station. <br />5. The applicant has requested a Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, and Vacation of Easement in <br />order to subdivide the subject property to create three (3) lots for single-family residential <br />dwellings. <br />6. The proposed Horita Acres subdivision meets the Minimum Subdivision Design <br />Standards included in Section 1130 of the Arden Hills City Code. <br />7. The park dedication requirement for this application is six percent of the buildable land <br />area in the subdivision or a park dedication fee of $6,500 per lot. Six percent of the <br />development would be 0.11 acres which would not allow for a feasible park area. The <br />park dedication fee of $6,500 per new lot will be applied in this case. <br />8. The proposed Horita Acres subdivision meets or will be required to meet the Required <br />Improvements for subdivisions included in Section 1140 of the Arden Hills City Code. <br />9. The proposed Horita Acres subdivision would result in three (3) lots that would conform <br />to the minimum lot area and dimension requirements for the R-2 District. <br />10. The R-2 District permits residential densities of up to five (5) units per net acre. <br />11. The proposed Horita Acres subdivision would have a density of approximately 1.86 units <br />per net acre. <br />12. The proposed Lot 1 and Lot 2 could be developed for a single-family residential dwelling <br />and meet the setback, lot coverage, height, and FAR requirements for the R-2 District. <br />13. The proposed Lot 3 would meet the lot coverage requirements for the R-2 District. <br />14. The existing dwelling on Lot 3 has a deck that would encroach into the proposed western <br />side yard setback and within a drainage and utility easement. <br />15. The existing accessory structures on Lot 3 would meet the accessory structure setback <br />requirements for the R-2 District. <br />16. Based on the submitted Tree Preservation Plan 193.5 caliper inches of new tree plantings <br />are required based on the amount of significant tree caliper inches removed. <br />17. The applicant has proposed a Landscape Plan that includes 92.5 caliper inches of new tree <br />plantings. <br />18. Section 1325.055 of the City Code states that replacement trees are required to planted on <br />the same site from which significant trees are removed, unless the City determines that
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