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[Recipient Name] <br />[Subject/Project Name] <br />[Date] <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />P:\1707700\03-Data\Code-Regulatory\2018-02-02 Master plan CUP Amendment app\Bethel Univ Masterplan amendment-letter_2018-02-06 sent.docx <br />Rev. Apr. 2015 <br /> <br />The proposed plan indicates 45,000 gsf renovation of the Academic Commons (AC) building across its <br />three levels. A new 20,000 gsf addition is proposed to the northwest on the existing site of a small <br />parking lot. The addition fills in a corner between the AC building and the Community Life Center (CLC) <br />to the south. See attached presentation for plan graphics and proposed exterior elevations. <br /> <br />The proposed addition would match the floor level heights of the existing three-story AC building. An <br />enclosed mechanical penthouse is proposed on the roof of the existing AC building and a portion would <br />extend onto the Addition. <br /> <br />A new greenhouse is proposed onto the roof of the two-story CLC building to the south of the addition. <br />It would be serviced from the third level of the proposed addition. The height of the greenhouse, at its <br />peak, is proposed to be the same height as the third level roof. <br /> <br />Schematic Design for the Sciences project is being finalized in February 2018. The project is anticipated <br />being built in four (4) phases due to budget constraints and a need to keep existing spaces available for <br />teaching, causing primary construction activity during the summer season. <br />1. Summer 2019: Renovation of AC building second level (AC2) for Physics/Engineering. Includes <br />construction of several infrastructure pieces including the roof top mechanical penthouse. <br />2. Summer 2020: Renovation of AC building third level for Chemistry. <br />3. Summer 2021: Renovation of AC building first level for Biology. <br />4. Summer 2022: New construction of the addition is finalized for courses in Fall 2022. <br /> <br />This proposal is a Master Plan amendment and Conditional Use Permit amendment. The Sciences project <br />would seek a Site Plan Review at a later date. Based on the tentative schedule above, the Site Plan Review <br />might occur in 2021. <br /> <br /> <br />Variance for Lake Setback <br />The proposed Sciences addition on the existing parking lot extends into the 150’ existing lake zoning <br />setback noted in 1330.03. The proposed addition is 118’ from the high water line. Therefore, Bethel <br />requests a variance. <br /> <br />The variance procedure in the Arden Hills Zoning Code (Section 1355.04 Subd 4) and Minnesota Statutes <br />462.357 Subd. 6, requires the City to consider six matters when evaluating Zoning Code variance <br />applications: <br /> <br />1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if used under conditions allowed by the <br />official controls; <br />a. Correct. The property, Bethel University’s entire main campus at 3900 Bethel Drive, will <br />continue to be able to be put to a reasonable use whether or not this variance is <br />granted. After substantial review of locations for expansion of space for Sciences, <br />specifically including space off campus and at the Seminary buildings, the proposed <br />location is the most reasonable location for Sciences based on budget realities, other <br />departmental adjacencies, and pedagogical efficiencies. <br />2. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the <br />landowner; <br />a. Correct. The property, Bethel’s main campus, is unique in Arden Hills due to its size. <br />Bethel University also owns the entire lake and adjacent property. <br />